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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Runtime Problems

Rob Penny

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When I create a runtime and load it on a computer that doest have FMP it will not display the FMP icon it displays a windows icon. The program will not open. It is looking for a program to open with. Any suggestions? i am new at this so, don't laugh

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When you create a runtime, you create a folder. It is this complete solution folder that you need to copy to a computer.

Run the solutionname.exe file inside that folder on the new machine.

From what you describe, I'm guessing you copied only the database file instead of the complete folder.

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  • Newbies

Thanks for your reply. I created a runtime and it made a folder on my desktop with the files inside. the FMP "open folder" is there and when I select it my program will open but it will not make a second icon that is the one that I use when i open it on my computer?? does this make sense?

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does this make sense?

No, not yet.

Computer A:

FileMaker Advanced is installed.

Create a runtime project named "MySolution".

A folder named "MySolution" is created.

A program called MySolution.exe is in the folder called "MySolution".

Computer B:

No FileMaker is installed.

Copy the folder "MySolution" from Computer A to Computer B.

Open the MySolution folder on computer B.

Run the program called MySolution.exe.

From what you have written so far, it is unclear to me at this point if you have successfully run MySolution.exe on Computer B.

If you want to have convenient access to MySolution.exe on Computer B, you can create a "Desktop Shortcut" of MySolution.exe or a "Start Menu Entry" for MySolution.exe.

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This topic is 5243 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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