The newest update to Claris FileMaker Server has arrived! Version 20.3 brings with it optimizations and quality-of-life improvements. We discuss some of our favorite enhancements on our blog.
PDF files are essential in the business world, and being able to create and manipulate them is a must. Appending one PDF to another is a handy tool for operations like report generation. We explore options for appending PDFs in FileMaker Server here. Includes a video and sample file.
Backups are an integral part of any database system, ensuring your information is safe and up-to-date in the event of system failures and crashes. Until now, Claris FileMaker Server has used a one-by-one approach for backing up files, but FileMaker Server 19.5 has introduced the ability to enable parallel backups, and it's a game-changer. Includes video. Read the full article here.
As Claris FileMaker continues to expand and update its product line, Linux compatibility was a welcomed change. This guide will outline how to install FileMaker Server on a machine running Ubuntu. Includes video and demo file. Read the full article here.
Rapidly create powerful workplace #innovation custom apps across mobile, desktop, and web using #FileMaker Server 19.1's new enhanced server performance and Linux version.
The official release of #FileMaker Server for #Linux is here! Learn the benefits of this new version of #server and check out our video on how to install it.