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Excerpts from my articles published on the 24U's News page which I find worth sharing with the FMForums community

Entries in this blog

Claris Engage 2020 virtual experience was almost like being there in person

The first Claris Engage, a successor of FileMaker DevCons, was originally planned to take place in Nashville, Tennessee. The coronavirus pandemic has changed plans for most live events this year, and so Claris Engage turned to a virtual experience. We attended, and even participated as a virtual exhibitor, and it surpassed all our expectations. So let us share our highlights of the conference with you. Learning from the sessions is great, but the biggest value in every conference lies


HOnza in Claris Engage

5 reasons for not attending FileMaker DevCon

To attend or not to attend? That’s the question I am asking myself every year since 2002 when I attended my first FileMaker DevCon. I have attended 8 DevCons so far, and skipped one. I have identified the following 5 possible reasons for not attending: Attending DevCon costs a lot of money Traveling to DevCon costs a lot of money Staying at DevCon's location costs a lot of money Going to DevCon takes a lot of time when I cannot do my regular work The sessions


HOnza in Claris Engage

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