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FileMaker Powered Site picked up in UrbnLivn Blog

The public-facing website SeedCode created for Blueprint Capitol was recently featured on UrbnLivn as a way for savvy Seattle home buyers to find new construction projects before they’re listed on the MLS. The site uses FileMaker Pro and PHP to publish new projects, renderings, and photos from Blueprint’s ERP system to a slick, searchable public site. <a href="http://seedcodenext.wordpress.com/2013/02/25/filemaker-powered-site-picked-up-in-urbnlivn-blog/">Source</a>

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Next for FileMaker Go: Mapping

Pleased to announce that our latest template for FileMaker Go is nearly ready to ship… GoMaps lets you visualize found sets on a map, with full control over the pop-over contents, including showing photos from your records right in the map. Click on a pin to see the pop-over; click again to jump to that record in your own layout. Unlocked and already plumbed for offline access with GoZync, our sync engine for FileMaker. We’re proud to say that FileMaker has chosen GoMaps as one of their iOS S

John Sindelar

John Sindelar


Very psyched to see the schedule for Pause on Error coming together! Just recorded a podcast with Matt Navarre of FileMaker Talk about all we’re looking forward to. Check it out: http://filemakertalk.com/ And stay in touch by following pauseonerror on twitter. <a href="http://seedcodenext.wordpress.com/2013/02/20/pause/">Source</a>

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Tip: Debugging Using GoZync’s Logs

Working on a GoZync integration with Jason this morning and remembered this troubleshooting trick Todd and I came up with. This lets you quickly find where a given operation happens in GoZync scripts. (Worth a quick watch.) <a href="http://seedcodenext.wordpress.com/2013/02/01/tip-debugging-using-gozyncs-logs/">Source</a>

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Speeding up Sync: turning off delete management

We’ve added a new article to the GoZync docs describing how to turn off the automatic deletion of mobile records that no longer match the users’ pull criteria. For users pulling very large found sets, this can radically speed up pulls down to their mobile device. The article describes scenarios where this would help, and walks users though the (very simple) mods required. Again, thanks to Todd’s clean code, this can be as simple as changing a single line. (We should make a collection of our fa

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

GoZync Syncs Calc Fields

<p>In our last few <a href="http://www.gozync.com" target="_blank">GoZync</a> deployments we’ve noticed folks frequently need to pull some related data down to the mobile file, but don’t want (or need) to sync the whole related table. Let’s say you want to get a customer’s credit limit on your iPhone but don’t want to sync the (massive) invoices table that is needed to calculate it. </p> <p><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-876" alt="calc" src="http://

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

TimeZync Ships

<h3>The first of a series of small templates built around GoZync.</h3> <p><a href="http://www.seedcode.com/timezync" target="_blank">TimeZync</a> has finally shipped.</p> <p>Most firms have a very hard time capturing billable time and TimeZync can help. It may be the fastest way to log time into a FileMaker solution. And it works offline, so folks can enter time wherever, whenever.</p> <p>Here is an <a href="http://www.youtube.com/wa

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Countdown: DevCon Tokyo

Just over a week away and Jason’s getting ready for his session at DevCon Tokyo. Big thanks to Shin at fmgateway for the timely translations and local support! Source

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

What’s wrong with FileMaker feature requests.

I think this quote finally gets at what bugs me about so many FileMaker feature requests–the long lists of things that would somehow make one’s life as a developer easier: Programmers are obsessed with ease rather than simplicity (thank you Rich Hickey for making this point); or, what t he experience of programming is instead of what the resulting program is like . This leads to useless conversations about semicolons and whether we need a preprocessor that eliminates curly braces. We sti

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

“Modular” Sync and the Urgency of Mobile Work

Some common themes are emerging from a number of GoZync deployments we’ve completed recently, and one of them is that folks need their sync to be modular. Even in one-task applications there isn’t just one kind of record being synced, or one sync environment. Here is what we’re seeing recently… • Not all data has the same timeliness. In our construction inspection app inspectors need to get the textual data from the inspection back to the office immediately (so builders’ checks can be cut) but

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Storage Problem?

Like a crazy hoarder I mistake the root cause of my growing mountain of incomplete work. The hoarder thinks he has a storage problem when he really has a ‘throwing things away problem’. I say I am ‘time poor’ as if the problem is that poor me is given only 24 hours in a day. It’s more accurate to say… what exactly? …from here. Source

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

GoZync Case Study

Todd’s very cool video interview with Bill Peloquin of Stat-Biomedical, discussing GoZync, offline apps, and SeedCode Calendar. Source

John Sindelar

John Sindelar


Reminded today that deciding to do one thing is deciding not to do something else–that the root of the word “decide” is similar to that for suicide. As a small business, the opportunity costs for even your best decisions are huge: the best gig you’ve got is another customer you didn’t meet. Proud of our latest decisions, and hope I’m up to owning the consequences. Source

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Making portals look more native in FMGo

Portals have come a long way in Filemaker Go. With just a bit of thought though, we can make them even better. You may have noticed that if you try and scroll beyond the content in iOS that you reveal a cross hatch pattern that appears to be in the background. Website scrolling in iOS Filemaker Go even mimics this behavior in some circumstances. If you resize a layout to be smaller than the screen by pinching, or if you scroll past the content in list view you will notice this same

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Calendar Mods

Just got this great screen shot from Shawn Mayers who has integrated our calendar into his solution. Nice work! Here is what Shawn had to say about it: I am working on a solution for a doctors office and one of the features is to have an electronic appointment book. I chose your solution, SeedCode Calendar, to made this request. I was excited about how smoothly the integration worked; so I am sending this email. I have attached a screen shot of what I am working on. Thank you for d

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Workflow in FM Chat: notifications for FileMaker Server

The ostensible purpose of FM Chat is “chat” –letting your FileMaker users chat and collaborate in a searchable environment that respects FileMaker’s access privileges. But we think the killer feature of FM Chat is “workflow” –alerting your users of events, and presenting them opportunities to take action. We’ve recorded a short movie of a simple example: using FM Chat to send invitations to an event, and record who’s accepted: Going Further. While we created the chat by hand in this

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

DevCon Schedule in iCal

Here is the 2012 DevCon schedule as an iCal subscription. Pumped out to Google Calendar from FileMaker Server using Zulu - iCal Sync for FileMaker. Enjoy! https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/nsbmls3pfj5u4s0an1lcu4r3nc%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics Source

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Script Comments

We’ve started including FogBugz case numbers in our script comments. This lets us move between FBz and FileMaker pretty quickly: from FBz we can easily search* the scripts in FileMaker for the case number, landing right where we might need to make a change, and from FileMaker we can quickly paste the case number into FBz to see what someone’s question was, or what issue was resolved. *Another place where script search has become part of the daily workflow. Source

John Sindelar

John Sindelar


Love seeing what folks are doing to the look of our calendar! This cool skin is from Reis Adamson is Sydney who mapped the calendar to his own TASKS table and sent us this screen shot. Love the red. Source

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Case Study: Syncing On-Site Inspections

Using iPads, FileMaker 12, and GoZyc Just posted a great case study from the GoZync experts at FullCity Consulting. They’re taking water quality inspections offline on their iPads, the syncing the data–along with signatures and photos–back to the hosted solution as soon as they have cell signal. Check out the case study. Source

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

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