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Charting Anywhere

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By Matt Petrowsky

One of the more valuable things you can add to your data is some sort of visualization. At its most basic level, this is primarily a chart or graph which speaks about the state of your data.

Visualizations have been a hot topic in recent years because it's become so easy to access larger data sets. Spending even just a small amount of time on http://visualizing.org or http://www.informationisbeautiful.net makes your everyday UI designer salivate at all the pretty pictures which can provide insight into solution data.

With powerful JavaScript libraries like D3, http://d3js.org, readily available within a web viewer and even FileMaker's own charting tool, it simply doesn't make sense to not understand how you can easily access the data for showing a useful chart.

In this comprehensive video, we take a look at some tricks to making charting quite easy within FileMaker. It requires an understanding of ExecuteSQL, which is fully covered, but once you have the basics you start to wonder why you've not added more visualizations to your own FileMaker solutions!


External links

Visualizing.org Information Is Beautiful

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