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Web Scraping Data

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By Matt Petrowsky

FileMaker can be such a wonderful desktop tool for harvesting and managing a lot of data. It’s because the user interface is baked right there into the backend database. You can whip up a powerful data parsing solution in no time. Can it handle the data? Yep! Can you build the interface right there? Yep! This sense of “data power” can be compounded even more with a little bit of know-how.

When you’re not afraid to step, just a bit, outside of FileMaker’s user interface and simply plug-in to another technology or programming language, you’ll find BIG benefits when seeking the holy grail of code leverage.

In this video, I walk you through some serious insight into how the big boys and girls like to parse their web data. If there’s ever a source of content you simply can’t access in an importable format, then you have to know how to web scrape like a pro within FileMaker - Pro, that is.


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