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Pill Menu Button Bars

I can’t recall a situation where some technology from the past isn’t superseded by the new technology which replaces it. In the context of FileMaker Pro, a good example of this is your basic button.

Yes, it’s been there ever since FileMaker was created. There never was a FileMaker Pro without the button widget. Enter FileMaker 14 and Button Bars and we now have a lot of possible options. Especially when you combine the Hide object calc which arrived in FileMaker 13. You can control which segments are shown and take advantage of this is various other ways.

In this video, I show you how to make a few minor tweaks to a default Button Bar object in order to streamline one of the available FileMaker templates. It’s a great exercise in optimizing your layouts so you don’t have to copy/paste and manage as many different layout objects. You get all the same results with some added benefits provided by the Button Bar layout widget. If you’ve got a lot of layouts with a lot of buttons all aligned in a row, then this video may have a nice little trick or two when making your design considerations.

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