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Your Hosting Options for Claris FileMaker

FileMaker Hosting Options

If you and your team are accessing your company’s Claris or FileMaker system from desktop computers, mobile devices or a web browser, you’ll need a FileMaker hosting solution. While there are other hosting options for Claris FileMaker available, Productive Computing’s FileMaker hosting service can give you tremendous peace of mind while also saving you and your team time.

If you are considering hosting your on-premise Claris or FileMaker Server to the cloud, think about the kind of service that’s best for you. In general, there are three options:

Do It Yourself (DIY)

This is typically the lowest cost hosting option with all the labor and burdens of monitoring put on you, the user. You’ll need to install, configure and maintain the server hardware and software. You would set up everything that you would normally set up if the server were in your office. There are lots of articles and community posts to help you get started, but you would have minimal outside help or support. If the DIY option appeals to you, we offer a course, Mastering Claris & FileMaker Server, that provides in-depth training. It’s your complete guide covering lessons from installing to maintaining your server.

DIY/Turn-Key Hybrid

FileMaker Cloud is a FileMaker hosting option that Claris operates and supports. Users get the benefit of an out-of-the-box, easy-to-deploy FileMaker Server in the cloud, but you still need to learn how to operate the control panels, set up your own backups, and monitor the health of the server. There is a convenience factor of having both your FileMaker license and your hosting bundled together. However, once you have more than five users and more than three Databases/Apps, the pricing is more expensive than buying your licenses separately and going to a 3rd party hosting company.

Full Service

Also known as a “managed service,” full-service hosting means exactly what it sounds like, and it is what Productive Computing offers. When you sign up with us, we do all the work. We install, configure, update, and monitor everything related to your Claris or FileMaker Server. You don’t have to buy any hardware – and we’re simply a phone call or email to help. The perks of choosing Productive Computing as your FileMaker hosting provider don’t stop with the hosting services themselves.

We’re a full-service Claris and FileMaker vendor, which means that when something goes wrong with any essential piece of your Claris or FileMaker system, we can easily step in to help. Or maybe you wondered how secure your system is, or how to make it faster. From health and security assessments to maintenance and programming support to discounted licensing renewals, our team can help you. Wouldn’t it be great to have an expert on call that’s already familiar with your system and how it is being hosted?

Do you have questions on which type of hosting option would be best for you? Let Productive Computing’s hosting team give you some answers!

Additional Blogs, Training, and Resources

If you are interested in additional FileMaker videos, training courses, or product news, please:

  • Subscribe to our YouTube channel for FileMaker tips and tricks.
  • Subscribe to our newsletter for industry and product updates.
  • Check out Productive Computing University for in-depth training courses covering advanced FileMaker technologies.
  • Have a look through our blog posts that discuss various FileMaker topics.
  • Check out these two success stories below of clients who host their solutions with Productive Computing.

Client Hosting Success Stories

FileMaker Hosting for HR Services
Hosting helps human resource co.

A small human resource company partnered with Productive Computing for FileMaker hosting support. It was difficult to manage the business’ technology when the team already wore many hats. Having their solution hosted by PCI enabled this firm to focus on their clients, knowing they don’t need to worry about physical servers because their solution is stored in the cloud securely by PCI’s Hosting Team. Read more.

An up-and-coming company in the energy technology industry came to Productive Computing to host its solution and data backups on AWS. Doing this enabled the firm to grow its brand and expand almost overnight from 2 to more than 400 customers. See how they did it.

PCI FileMaker Hosting Emtec
Tech firm grew due to hosting

The post Your Hosting Options for Claris FileMaker appeared first on Productive Computing, Inc..

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