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Better Script Writing

While learning to develop within any environment, it's common to develop habits which keep you within a consistent framework. However, occasionally looking outside of your current framework and observing how others accomplish similar tasks can be both affirming and instructive. You may discover valuable tips and tricks from other developers from which you can adapt to enhance your own practices.

This video focuses on script writing and explores various techniques employed by different developers, specifically regarding the documentation and structure of scripts. By examining multiple files and exploring different scripting methods, we can gather helpful insights. Additionally, I will present what I consider to be one of the best approaches to managing a complex script that utilizes multiple inputs and outputs.

The beauty of Claris/FileMaker is that you have the flexibility of keeping things simple or making them as complex as desired. Drawing from my decades of experience, this video offers numerous tips to improve your script writing skills. You're likely to find valuable insights that can elevate your approach to scripting.

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