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Sending HTML Emails

While younger generations of Internet users are increasingly adopting communication tools like Discord, it's challenging to envision a future devoid of at least one distinctive means of communication - email. Could a world without email imply that government agencies, utility providers, and other entities transmit messages based on your DNA sequence, linked to your registered devices? The possibilities are intriguing.

But for the present moment, email remains a crucial part of our digital landscape. The transition toward a paperless society is still underway and is likely to persist for many decades to come.

So, the key question is, have you seamlessly integrated HTML emails into your FileMaker solutions? If not, rest assured that you'll acquire a comprehensive understanding of both implementation and troubleshooting when it comes to facilitating communication between FileMaker and an SMTP server. This video offers a practical script and in-depth insights into successfully sending multipart mixed emails. Whether your HTML email simply involves basic formatting, like bolding certain text, or incorporates intricate features like a logo-adorned letterhead, sending the email via SMTP is your destination. Let's make that journey a smooth one and ensure you're well-equipped with all the requisite knowledge.

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