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Execute Data API To Custom API

The Execute FileMaker Data API script step has been around for quite a few years. It was introduced in FileMaker 19, around 2020. If you haven't used it, you may be manually creating JSON for your records when you don’t need to — FileMaker can do this for you. I covered this script step in a video in 2021, explaining how the REST/Data API functionality translates into internal use.

While some features perform better than the Execute Data API step — ExecuteSQL() being one of them — it requires additional work to convert a SQL response into the standard JSON format.

If you're working with an external API, you’ll likely need to provide JSON. However, if you can simply remap the JSON that FileMaker generates natively, integrating with an external API may be easier than you think. This video and file demonstrate how to use the Execute Data API script step without changing context while efficiently remapping the data into your desired format.

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