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Mindfire Solutions

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Everything posted by Mindfire Solutions

  1. File Name: FM Solution: Advance Searching File Submitter: Mindfire Solutions File Submitted: 26 Mar 2014 File Category: Solutions FM Version: 12 This is a FileMaker Solution that provides user to search in multiple columns/individual columns by multiple ways. The solution is developed in FileMaker pro 12 Some Salient Features of FM solutions-Advance Searching: FileMaker ExecuteSQL inbuilt functions to make some simple ways for searching data No external plug-ins required to search data Working fine in FM pro 12 & 13 Click here to download this file
  2. Version v1


    This is a FileMaker Solution that provides user to search in multiple columns/individual columns by multiple ways. The solution is developed in FileMaker pro 12 Some Salient Features of FM solutions-Advance Searching: FileMaker ExecuteSQL inbuilt functions to make some simple ways for searching data No external plug-ins required to search data Working fine in FM pro 12 & 13
  3. Version v1


    "Custom User Login Template" is a FileMaker Solution that provides user to use custom login process of user rather than to use default FileMaker user login dialogue. The solution is compactable and workable with FileMaker Pro 12. Silent Features of Custom User Login Template: - Provides a way to use custom login process without using default FileMaker login dialogue - It also demonstrates how to show password characters as asterisks dynamically while logging in to FM application. To discuss about our FileMaker service, expertise and how we can help you, please contact us on E-Mail or call 1-248-686-1424.
  4. File Name: Sort Portal Rows File Submitter: Mindfire Solutions File Submitted: 05 Jun 2013 File Category: Solutions FM Version: 12 "Sort Portal Rows" is a FileMaker Solution that provides user to sort his portal dynamically by multiple ways. The FM solution is compatible and workable with FileMaker Pro 12. Silent Features of Sort Portal Rows Solution: - The portal rows are getting sorted by sort fields - User can sort portal rows according to the selected value from a custom value list - Each custom value re-presents a column field so based on the field's value the list of keys - Portal rows can sort by selected value from the value list of exact field name - Portal rows can sort by selected value from the value list of Custom Value - Portal rows can sort by selected value from the value list of Portal Header To discuss about our FileMaker service, expertise and how we can help you, please contact us on email or call 1-248-686-1424. Click here to download this file
  5. Version v1


    "Sort Portal Rows" is a FileMaker Solution that provides user to sort his portal dynamically by multiple ways. The FM solution is compatible and workable with FileMaker Pro 12. Silent Features of Sort Portal Rows Solution: - The portal rows are getting sorted by sort fields - User can sort portal rows according to the selected value from a custom value list - Each custom value re-presents a column field so based on the field's value the list of keys - Portal rows can sort by selected value from the value list of exact field name - Portal rows can sort by selected value from the value list of Custom Value - Portal rows can sort by selected value from the value list of Portal Header To discuss about our FileMaker service, expertise and how we can help you, please contact us on email or call 1-248-686-1424.
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