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About JMart

  • Birthday 06/12/1967

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    Windows 10 Pro

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  1. My apologies if i am posting in the wrong group. I just want to get feed back on how other are doing data entry particularly when creating a new record. Normally when i create a new record I like using global field for the key data (I consider key field those field required when creating a record). Then i use a save button, that with a script that created the new record with the required initial data information. Is this a good practice? Thanks JMart
  2. Night all, Is there a way to get a count\s based on a conditional format. I have two a calculation field to determine time between to entries, then i have a conditional format for the calculation field if < 0 = color is "red", if > 900 = Color " pink. Is there a way to know how many are red and how many are pink. Thanks
  3. you are a "gentleman and scholar" Thanks
  4. Good day all, My apologize if I am posting in the wrong group. Can someone tell me why this calculation does no work. It always teturn the same value "Picking" I have a button bar with 6 segments, each element pertains to a department, i am trying to change the labels as each department enters data. It works is is not nested. Case ( not IsEmpty ( WTS v2.0::PickerDatePickingStart ); TextColor ("Picking"; RGB (255; 0; 0)) ; not IsEmpty ( WTS v2.0::PickerDatePickingEnd ); TextColor ("Picked"; RGB (255; 0; 0)) ) Thanks JMart
  5. Hi, I think i figured out what my issue is. It seem it has to do with the screen resolution and scale. I use a laptop and the setting are "Scale and Layout" to 125%, with a resolution of 1920 x 1080. if i put the scale to 100% it works fine. Even centering a window does not work. Thanks Rudy
  6. JMart


    Steven in my case i am not using radios, i am using checkbox. In other words i am trying to make checkbox work like a radios. Thanks JMart
  7. JMart


    Thanks for the reply, I failed to mention, that i have under auto-enter Data set to "True", this way when a record is created it auto selects "True", but the user is able to remove both checks. , I was hoping there was another way, Thanks JMart
  8. JMart


    Good day gurus, I have a true \ False value list, where i require the user to select only one option, but an option is required. I currently set it up as follow and it works. Auto-enter->GetValue( RightValues( Self ; 1 ) ; 1 ) Do not replace existing value of field: unchecked What i can not figure out is how to do is enforce a selection, something like using radius, where one of the two option MUST be selected. Thanks JMart
  9. Night, I think i figured out the issue i was having, the reason is my button was not a button but a Button Bar. I recreated it to a button and its working fine. Thanks for the help
  10. Your test file works perfect, my cant get it to work
  11. Thanks for the reply, User Click on the icon next to "Vendor" Once presses a script is executed Windows will appear on the same location every time
  12. Good day, I am trying to center a "Floating Window" using the new windows command, i want to accomplish one of two objectives. 1- Open the new windows to the right of the "button" that triggers the script To do this i am using the "GetLayoutObjectAttribute( "VendorWindows" ; "Top" ), and "GetLayoutObjectAttribute( "VendorWindows" ; "Left" ) 2- Open the new window in the center of the screen To do this i am using "Get ( ScreenWidth ) /2" and "Get ( ScreenHigh) / 2" But i cant get either way to work. Both option i am entering it in the "New windows" function What am i doing wrong. Thanks JMart
  13. Good day, I am having an issue that i never seen before. I have a very basic layout, 5 fields, and a global field for searching with a button to execute the search, all is working perfect, except that when i press the search button the result shift to the right, once i clear to show all the list shift back to the left. Any idea what i could be doing wrong. Thanks Jay Mart
  14. Hopefully not often, Whenever canon publishes their Dealer parts list, once or twice a year. thanks
  15. Thanks works like a charm, now i have to deal with a speed issue, since i end up having over 3 Million records on this table alone. Thank Jay
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