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About Msaeed

  • Birthday 08/29/1984

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  1. totally agree with you this is not from FIlemaker, any way again thank you comment.
  2. Thank you Comment for ur reply... is working fine but giving me pop-ups as shown below, if you have any method to open inside the web viewer you help me to reach my aim. due to the interface will use by the customer this will be disturbing.
  3. Hi All, I wonder if have any mothed to open the browser Microsoft teams on web viewer for this URL "https://teams.microsoft.com/l/call/0/0?users=user@company.com&withVideo=true" I created one button if pressed should open on the web viewer.
  4. Hi All, in fact, I try more than one time to improve the script to show a count employee check-in on the dashboard. Knowing that employee records are saved in (Staff car Layout), the dashboard will belong in ( visitor system layout.) while press the update button gives me zero and ignores any record save daily as shown above. Thank you in advance for any help 🙂
  5. Hi all, As mentioned in the topic, I would like to create more than one chart in the main panel that shows me the monthly chart of the number of visitors. As shown in the screenshot, a graph showing the number of visitors per year.
  6. I meaning the visitor not check out from the system.
  7. in fact, I would like create list who still check-in when press the circle (check-in).like below figure.
  8. Actually is question but I fixed my issue after remove line 10,11 and 12.
  9. Hi All, As mentioned on a topic I have a script in my DB, my Scenario while inserting the date from - to without fill the employee ID and press enter should give all records in the visitor list. on other hand insert the employee ID in Custom in the Search field to give a specific record for the employee only.
  10. In case ,I would like to showing the name of visitor current still check-in in dashboard. (or open new topic)
  11. I appreciate all your support
  12. Thank you... Thank you ...
  13. I will upload the simple file will be more clear. GMS-2021.fmp12
  14. Thanks a lot for your support and help Past 7 days Enter Find Mode [] Set Field [ Visitors System::Date ; Get(CurrentDate) - 7 & ".." & Get(CurrentDate) ] Perform Find [] Set variable [$$week: Value:Get(FoundCount)] Enter Find Mode [] Set Field [ Visitors System::Date ; ">" & Get(CurrentDate) - DayOfWeek ( Get(CurrentDate) ) ] Perform Find [] Set variable [$$currentweek: Value:Get(FoundCount)] in case add a new record on Sunday to Monday still the count found must be zero until insert new record. also this issue same current week. regarding Month the code working prefect.
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