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  1. Hi, Using FMP 5 to print postcards for a computer club. The layout is two cards per page. However, when the fields are put on the layout, the same name shows on both cards in preview mode. How do I do the layout or fields so that each card has its own record? Thanks, Russ Conte
  2. Let's say I have an employee database. To save space, is it possible to set up something like a pop up menu, but the pop up menu would include all the fields in the database? For example, someone could select "city" and then in a space enter "Chicago" and then do the search. Can FM go one better and allow multiple pop up menus like this, so I can add a button for "more" and it would bring down another popup menu with all the fields, so I can search for all employees who live in Chicago and are named Smith. It's easy to do this in a regular FM database, just go to find mode and type the data in the necessary fields, but for lots of reasons I'm trying to save space. Can FM do searches in the way I'm asking? Thanks! Russ Conte
  3. I'm new to WC, and can not get it to work, I'd appreciate any help. I'm using FM Pro 5.5, OS X.1.4. The instructions I have for TCP/IP say to set for my static IP address, but when I put in in IE, I get an error message that says "A connection failure has occurred". WC is enabled in app prefs, using port 80, nothing else using port 80, document is open and sharing is on. Any advice? Thanks! Russ Conte
  4. Each record tracks the following information for one day for each employee: The unique employee ID # (so it's relational), and auto enters the following: employee's first name, last name, social security #, department worked, start time, end time, and lunch (Y/N). In addition, it calculates hours worked for the day and there are two pop-up fields which I will enter manually, one for absence code and one for "closed" (such as terminated, quit, moved out of area, etc.) So to make is simple for now, if I have 5 employees (I will be working with hundreds, but that's not the issue right now), I will have five records per day to track the Hours Worked for each employee, 25/week, and so forth in this database. Given this setup (which I can modify, it's my database!) how can I find employees who have no absences in a certain time period? Perfect attendance is one of many good indicators for raises and promotions, so this is not just for a certificate and a photo Thanks! Russ Conte
  5. Hi! I have a database for work that tracks hours worked for my employees. If an employee is absent, I have a field to track that data. What's the easiest way to find all employees for a given time period (such as a month) who have perfect attendance? These employees would not have any entries in the "absence" field. If someone was late or absent one one more times during the time period, I do not want their name in the final report, but I don't know how to generate this report. Should this be done with ScriptMaker? If so, I'll post there! Any help is most appreciated! Russ Conte FM 5.5 on Mac OS X.1.3
  6. I found an easy way to get this done. Simply check "Auto Enter Value from Previous Record", and it continues with a specific date, and when I have a pile of cards from another date, just put the correct date on the first new record, and all others follow just fine, without changing the old records. I hope this helps others. Russ
  7. Hi! I got the first part to work, (all the records have the correct date because I used a Global field) but all of the dates for the previous records also changed to the same date, because it is a global field. Is there a way around this so the old records don't change dates? Thanks! Russ Conte
  8. Thanks very much, I was able to get it to work! Russ Conte
  9. Hi all! With thanks to many here I'm making great progress on a database for a small business. Right now I'm working on entering hours worked for hourly employees. I have most of it except one small part. Usually I have timecards from previous days, for example I might have 60 cards for people who worked yesterday. Is there a way to set a temporary date that will auto fill in the records I'll be entering without changing any previous records? For example, today is 01/05/2002, I'd like to set the date worked as an auto enter of 01/04/2002 for the 60 cards I have, and on Tuesday 01/08/2002 I'd like to set the autoenter date to 01/07/2002. It's not always the day before, especially when folks work the weekend! Any ideas how to set a temporary auto entry date? I've tried setting up a second database, but I can not get a relationship to work, and I can't create a script to do this, either, and I've tried different layouts to no avail, so I know it's something in how I'm defining the fields. Any help? Thanks! Russ Conte
  10. I'm trying to make a pair of simple related databases, one with employee information (name, department, social security number, usual shift, pay rate) and a second one to track work (employee name, department, date worked, start time, end time). The relationship seems obvious enough to me (if last name = last name), but I can't get that to work. Here's my problem: Let's say I have two employees in the employee file, Mike Johnson and Sandy Johnson, when I go to the Track Work database, it always shows the first one alphabetically. Is there a way to see all the employee names in the Track Work database so I can select the right record/employee? I've tried a portal with a scroll bar, and various lookups, but can not get it to work. It would be even better if I can type the first few letters of a last name and FM will pull up close names for me, and I can scroll to the one I want! Any ideas?? Thanks for the help! Russ Conte (currently using FM 3.0, soon to get 5.0 on a 400 MHZ TiBook, if that helps anyone)
  11. Sorry for a newbie question, but here goes: Let's say I have a simple FM database and one record currently showing. Is there a way to set up a relationship so that if I create a new record in a second database, all of the relevant info from database #1 is inserted automatically without me having to type the related field info? Thanks! Russ Conte
  12. I'm using FM 3.0 on a 400 MHZ TiBook and designing a small business database. Part of the database involves tracking hours worked, bill and pay rates for employees and customers. From this it's a cinch to create invoices, but is there an easy way for FM to create payroll or is it better to output the data to another program, such as QuickBooks or MYOB? FWIW, Completing payroll requires tax tables, and knowing the required data for the employees (# of exemptions, hours worked, rate of pay, etc). It looks to me like FM can do everything needed, it's just a matter of setting it up. Am I right about this? The other question is about printing payroll checks. Let's say someone's pay is $1,000.48. Is there a way for FM to convert "$1,000.48" to "One thousand and 48/100"? Any advice is warmly appreciated! Russ Conte
  13. I'm using FM 3.0 designing a small business database. One of the fields is an employee's Social Security Number. Is there a way to force FM to only accept entries in the xxx-xx-xxxx format? Similar question for such things as phone or fax numbers; (xxx) xxx-xxxx, making sure an email address has an "@" sign, and so forth. FM is fine with dates and currency, but I can't find anything on other formats. I'd rather not run scripts after the data is entered, is there a way to make sure data is entered in the correct format on the fly, and to politely warn the user if it is not? Thanks! Russ Conte
  14. Hi again! I'm working on a FM 3.0 database for a small business. When I design the layout and look at it at 100% magnification, it looks fine. However, one of the users may want to look at it at 150% or 200%. Testing at that level of magnification, many of the items move a bit. It's not enough to throw everything off, but it is a bother. I've locked all items in the layouts, it still happens. I'm on a 400 MHZ TiBook, running OS 9.2. Any advice, or is this too petty of a problem and should I just let it go and hope no one else notices? Thanks! Russ Conte
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