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  1. Nevermind. Decided to create an additional relationship and table to handle this.
  2. Hard to think of a good title for this. I have a table with Agents and Referrals. The data shows in subsummary parts which are sorted by Agent. It's easy to get a count when Agent = Referral. However, is it possible to get a count of Referrals over the whole found set when sorted by Agent? For example, Smith was the Agent for 10 records. Smith was also the Referral for 8 records, 3 where Smith was the Agent and 5 where Jones was the agent. On the subsummary part, sorted by Agent, I can get the 3 for when Smith is the Agent and Referral. How can I put on that same part that Smith is the Refferal for 8 records in the found set? I was thinking of maybe Execute SQL but I don't know enough SQL to write a meaningful statement. Or should I go with that? Thanks!
  3. Since they're forms, I can concatenate them to one big honking form (going back to old FM techniques) but I was hoping that maybe there was something fancy to avoid that. And it adds another layout to remember to edit when it gets edited.
  4. Ok, I know the differences say "No can do in FM Go" so I can't use the lovely append PDF function in Go. Has anyone come up with a workaround? I'm thinking of multiple attachments, not as elegant, but would get the job done. How would I set it up to do multiple attachments to one email. I wasn't able to find any topics on multiple attachments. Anyone out there come across this?
  5. Ok, it turned out that at some point, the file got corrupted (between a morning backup and an afternoon backup). We restored from the early backup and it worked fine.
  6. Update: I can modify the privilege sets - sort of I go in, make a "little" change (like change the layouts to view all or change the records to yes for view that need to be viewed) Close the file. Open the file. The "little" change sticks. Make another little change. Repeat a LOT until all the changes are done. (still working on getting all the changes in) Someone else hinted that this is a bug in FM 11. If this is the case, it's not a nice one and needs to be cleared up. Oh and for further clarity, I'm using FMA 11 v3
  7. I looked on the FM website regarding changing a privilege set while the file is being served and read this: "However, one user can define or modify accounts and privileges while another user is using them." I took this to mean I can modify a privilege set on a server hosted file, whether or not someone is logged in. I went to my hosted WO.fp7 file and went to MANAGE>SECURITY and went to change the privilege sets (I had "over done" the security and needed to make some things viewable). I made the changes and closed the file. When I opened the file to test, I still didn't have access. I opened it again as [Full Access] and the changes I had made were gone. I tried duplicating one and making a new one to see if that would work. When I reopened the file to check, instead of two additional privilege sets, there were two blank lines with only up/down arrows. I thought that maybe it was because someone was logged in, so I asked them to log out and tried, still no luck. So, CAN I modify privilege sets on a served file or do I have to run it locally? I thought I had created the privilege sets originally when the file was shared. File is hosted on a dedicated server with FMS11 (on a Mac) and I am using FMA 11 to do my developing (on Windows today). Thanks.
  8. What I ended up doing, at the suggestion of another developer, is open a window and do the find. If the find set is 0, close the window and I will have my previous found set. If it is >0, close the window and redo the find. The second window is opened off screen so that the user doesn't see what is going on.
  9. I've been banging my head with this one all afternoon. What I want to do is enable the user to do a find and when the found set is zero, restore the previous found set. What I am doing: setting the variable $$window with the name of the window setting the variable $path with the path to the temp folder and naming the file. create the snapshot file and sending it to the $path run the find script steps if get(foundcount) = 0 show message rename the window to $$window& 0 (so it has a different name) Open URL (file:/" & get(temporarypath) & $$window &".fpsl") exit script (or halt script, it doesn't seem to matter) Now this works perfectly. There's a brief flicker and the user is taken back to the previous found set. Unfortunately, in the window list, there is $$window & 0. And over the course of day, there may be quite a few of them. I tried to close the original window, but that would either close the file before the snapshot could come back or the snapshot would trigger the file to open again complete with the open scripts and the enter username and password. I also tried putting in a pause or closing the $$window & 0 from another script but it had the same result. I tried to hide the window, but that would hide the window and then we'd have to wait for the snapshot to come up. This would also cause a buildup of windows. Right now, the only way I can think to close the window, when they run the find script tell it to close any $$window & 0 that may be lurking about before it runs the script. While this will do the job, it's not as elegant as I would like. Anyone have any suggestions?
  10. Scripting buttons does the trick. I put a button over the IWP row (since I don't want the users to edit the fields in that view anyway). If you click on any record in that list view, it triggers a script to take you to the first record in the found set. I tried to do this by turning the fields into a button and it didn't work. I overlaid a button (no fill and no lines) added the script and it worked. I used the script to also show the previous and next 25 records (since there is a 25 record limit to view). To determine which part of the script to use, use a script parameter then (for example, to keep it from jumping): If (get(scriptparameter) = First) go to record/request/page [No Dialog,1] EndIf This was inspired by this post: http://fmforums.com/forum/topic/78520-filemaker-thoughts-filemaker-instant-web-publishing-iwp-and-the-25-record-list-view-limitation/
  11. I'm working on a report. We'll go with my widget schema again. I've generated a report where it's first sorted by WidgetColor and then Widget with a count of each widget (widgetcount). I've presented this report and am waiting the next requirement. In the meantime, I am anticipating that he is going to want it to be: Widget Color1 Widget1 Widget2 Widget3 Widget4 Widget5 Widget6 Widget Color2 Widget1 Widget2 Widget3 Widget4 Widget5 And so forth (you get the idea). I know this can be "easily" done with a single iteration of each widget by doing a loop in the script to omit duplicates (each Widget Color-Widget has a unique code) and then doing a sub-summary by Widget Color and the body in columns with the Widget. Is there a way to do this without having to do the "omit loop"? I looked at cross-tab reporting but that's not it. The sub-summary portals didn't quite seem to be the answer either (unless I missed something). I'm guessing it's going to be something stupidly obvious that comment is going to point out and, again, I'll feel a bit "blonde" LOL.
  12. Oh, gawd. I don't believe I didn't even SEE that option. THAT was the answer I needed. Thank you, comment, once again you have come up with the easy answer. :thankyou2:
  13. Running it straight out with just the summary and calculating the percentage (not sorting on either) runs quickly (quicker than getting a cup of coffee). When I narrowed the set to about 4,000 records (the 300,000 is narrowed from 800,000), there were 817 unique widgets. There probably aren't that many more in the full set, maybe 1,000 or 1,500. I'm narrowing it by date, but not running any sorts on the date. I'm trying to see how much faster running it locally is, I did all the finds I needed and exported the records to a .fp7 file and am running the sort on that. Running it locally is much faster. It's taking minutes to run instead of hours on the 4,000 record set. Edited to add: Thanks for talking it out with me. I got it figured out. Oh and no matter how I ran the sort, it wouldn't sort the percentages properly. Since I exported the found set to a local database, I could do what I wanted with it. I created an additional number field (Percent). Once I did the sort (to get the summary numbers and percentages), I did a replace all of the percentages into the number field. I re-ran my sort with Percent as my primary sort and Widget as my secondary sort. And I got my report. Now to try it with the full record batch. I may be able to script this report in a database in which I can create fields - import the records, run the report, delete the records.
  14. Unfortunately, creating data fields is not a viable option. I can carefully create summary and calculation fields, since they don't affect imports. I'm doing this on a clients solution so have to make do the best I can with what they have. I'm guessing this is harder than I thought.
  15. To simplify my question: Is there any way to do this summary faster?? It takes about 4 hours on a win 7 machine in FMP 11 ADV to do 10,000 records. I have a field I'll call Widget. I have a summary field WidgetCount (count Widgets). I have a calculation field WidgetCalc with the formula: (getsummary(widgetcount; widget)/widgetcount) which gives me a percentage of each widget to the total number of widgets. I was asked to give a report with it sorted by most popular widget. The full report, I gave up on waiting for it to do the sort on WidgetCalc for over 300,000 records. I just turned it in sorted by widget and let them suss it out. I narrowed it to 10,000 widgets and it's about 4 hours grinding that same sort. Is there a way to do it faster with the full widget count? Course it's also a shared file and when I tried to do it over wireless, it said, "no thank you".
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