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  1. Hey all, I'm back after a 2-year break from FMP. I'm now at a new job where we're using FMP7 for patient/subject scheduling and data. We also use a Google Calendar to keep track of our schedule. We'd like to integrate our Google Calendar and FMP7 database. I'm a noob at FMP8.5 (actually never used it, we won't upgrade unless this is possible), so my question is: can we use Web Viewer to not only view our calendar, but log in to our Google account and edit the calendar just as if it was in an ordinary browser? We just want to make sure so we don't upgrade for no reason. Thanks so much, Aviosity
  2. To my knowledge, Filemaker does not have an "autofill" function like Excel does (I know what you mean, though, since I use Excel for data analysis and use that function every day). If you find yourself using a lot of the same values for a field in a record, I find that attaching the field to a value list on the layout with an "Other..." option is helpful. If you're using table view, however...I don't think Filemaker can do that. In response to your second question, value lists to the rescue again. Instead of using a radio-button list, assign the field to a value list with no "edit value list" or "other..." options. This way, a pop-up type menu appears that allows users to select only from those options. Hope that helped, Aviosity
  3. Hey all, For now, I've decided on changing the schema so that I won't have to buy any third-party products. One problem I'm consistently running into is the import feature; how do I import Excel spreadsheets to multiple tables? I can import into one table, but not the other; I need to be able to place three columns of the Excel spreadsheet into one table, and the rest (10) of the columns into another. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum; I considered this to be a scripting error, although I may be wrong. I appreciate any help anyone can give me. Thanks, Aviosity
  4. CobaltSky, Thanks a lot for your help. My co-developers and I are looking into these solutions along with maybe a different schema. Thanks, Aviosity
  5. Hey all, After a long data analysis haul, we're finally ready to move all this extraneous data into FileMaker 7. The database promises to be very helpful yet very complex, and this being the first real day of database design, the problems are starting to crop up. What I need is a script that will allow me to create a new table, name it, create fields within it, and so forth. The table name and field names will have to be created on the fly (dynamically) and combined with static text. Example: I need to create a new table for item 12345. The table would need to be named "12345|ProductReliability" and the fields within it would need to be "12345|ProductReliability|TestDate", "12345|ProductReliability|TestScore", and "12345|ProductReliability|AnalysisCycle". All I would have to enter is the item number (12345) and it would go ahead and create the table and fields for me (anything other than the 12345 part of a name is static). I also need a script to automatically import Excel spreadsheets (at worst, import CSVs or TDFs, which I can export from Excel). I really appreciate any help anyone can give me. I've only got two weeks to complete this job, and we've got a schema...I'm just uneducated in how to do some things (I'm a programmer, so moving from MySQL to FileMaker was like "whoa...where'd my ODBC and ADO.NET go?"). Thanks a lot, Aviosity
  6. Dana: This looks great. Thanks for your help!
  7. Hello all! I've been working with MySQL for over a year now, and it works great for the online development I do a lot. But now, I've been contracted by a major research institution to do database work in FMP7. I've never used FMP before, and have been teaching it to myself over the past week while trying to complete this invoice. This invoicing system has the following requirements: 1) Needs to be able to place 4 different products with 4 different quantities on the invoice, preferably with a single drop down menu for the product (with a value list linked to the products table), a single numeric edit field for the quantity, and a "add product" button so that the first time they enter a product it will go into slot 1, the second time slot 2, etc. 2) Needs to keep a record of all sales made, containing the date of sale, sale/invoice ID, products sold, quantity of each product sold, total amount of sale, shipping/handling and client ID. This record needs to be browsable and searchable by product name, sale ID, and client name. 3) Needs to be able to add new clients and new products. OK, so here's where I am so far. I have 3 tables -- Products, Clients, and Sales. The products and clients tables work beautifully; I can add, delete, edit, and find products and clients easily. The actual invoice itself is a disaster. I've got a drop-down box that selects the client, and a portal to the client table that imports the client's shipping and billing information. That works fine, but listing the products has taken me 2 days now of failed attempts. Also, getting the data saved as a sale has seemed impossible. Any help you folks could give me would be great. I have a feeling I'll be hanging around here a lot more in the weeks to come
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