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Noél Dubau

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Everything posted by Noél Dubau

  1. Sorry to come back to you but how must I proceed to include your code in my FM script ? I think I must create a function suppose FixNameArchive but I don't remain how to do do that Thanks for your patience
  2. Thanks for your answer. I'll look to in some days because I'm not at home now..
  3. Hello I don't know if my title is clear enough but french user I dont have english very fluent ! In a FMP 18 Adv solution I should like to offer to the user a window in which the file name would be pre defined (SAV_15032025 : the numbers being the date of the day). I know how to define that file name but is it possible to put it in the filename. The user could choose where to create that zip file on a foler of his HDD or on an external support. Thanks for help !
  4. Some years ago I had encounterd the same error. Now I retrieve it using FileMakerPro Advanced 18. After the message FMP runs but the Scriptmaster is not active I don't find the way to run FMP with Scriptmaster. Thanks for your help
  5. I'm confused ! I hadn't seen the SelectFile function
  6. Depuis une solution FileMaker j'ai besoin de parcourir mes disques pour choisir un fichier et en récupérer le chemin d'accès pour l'utiliser ensuite. 360 Works scriptmaster me le permet-il ? Puis-je trouver un exemple ? From a FileMaker solution I need to browse my disks to choose a file and retrieve the path to use it later. Does 360 Works scriptmaster allow me to do this? Can I find a sample file ? Thanks
  7. And I'm too old and disconnected from FileMaker to update ! It's not possible to get an old version ?
  8. Hello Indeed my question seems strange ! But a FM 14 solution running on a PC under windows 7 uses SM. The plugin downloaded doesn't appear in the list from Edition/Preferences. Thanks for your help !
  9. And it works fine ! Thanks and regards Noël
  10. Thanks for your answer but : is that function SCSetErrorCapture(True) integrated in 360scriptmaster ? I don't find it in samples the FM command set error (in french Gestion d'erreurs) doesn't seem to avoid the messages error 14 as you asked details I join a screen copy of the message occuring after closing the first one...
  11. in an FM script I have an error return from scriptmaster (error 14) when using the BaseElements command; but the script still succeeds. How to avoid the display of this message? dans un script FM j'ai un retour d'erreur de scriptmaster (erreur 14) lors d'utilisation de commande BaseElements ; mais le script aboutit malgré tout. Comment éviter l'affichage de ce message ? Merci Noël
  12. Hello I copied the directory of a runtime solution in v14 of Filemaker running fine under a Windows 10 machine. Pasting and launching it on another PC (same windows 10 system) I have the following message : Throuhg menu Edition / Preferences / Plugins the check box for Scriptmaster is not checked ; if I try to check, I get the message (translation) Hope in your help and thank you Noël
  13. Hello All is in my screencopy : In a script I send to openlibrary the isbn or the ean of a book. On rare books (about 10 on 6000) I have the following error As the operation is long I use to thought it by night ; so I'd be interresed to avoid these message ; an equivalent of the function of FM "On script error.." Thanks ! PS I had asked some years ago but not kept the solution 😌
  14. Hello Sean In my various tries I had deleted the content of the folder but not the folder itself. After doing as you said I can say as Snoopy in its cartoon "I'am happy !" Thanks a lot for your help ! Noël
  15. Hello My subject is the error message I get when launching FileMaker 14 Adv ; I've seen some advices on that link but everything seems OK ! I uninstalled FileMaker before a new insallation ; always in error. Hope in some help I thought that updating Java had solved the problem ; the pi was activated once but no more ...
  16. Sorry but always disturbed by problems... I have not the script before registering the function... and don't know how to include the code you give ... and that error box occurs in many sm functions
  17. Hello John Many things occured in my life and took me far from FileMaker all the year long. I don't understand what code I must include and how ; would you be kind to help me more ? Noël
  18. I have a problem under Windows10 and the very old Filemaker 12 Advanced. Idownloaded the last version 5.3 an put the 2 elements in the extensions folder.When I start Filemaker nothing occurs ; no error and no installation of the pi. Going through Preferences / Plugins I see 360Works not checked. If I try to check I get the error you can see on attachment. Hope in your help ! Thanks
  19. Hello I use indeed old FM versions (12 and 14) but have a problem to attach files when using the BE_SMTP_Send module. Initially I have files in a list $attachments like this one But I tried unsuccessfuly too with only one file. My command is like BE_SMTP_Server ("smtp.free.fr" ;25;"";"" ) & BE_SMTP_Send ( parametres::mail_assoc;$recipient; $subject;$text & "¶" & $$sign; "" ;"" ;"" ;"" ;$attachments ) The mail is sent without attachments ! Is someone able to help me ? Thanks and regards
  20. Hello I just run the FM script step bys step. And so I found the error : and Scriptmaster is not guilty; it was on CopyFile (src; dest) that the alert occurred. Here is the code RegisterGroovy( "CopyFile( src ; dest )" ; "InputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(src));¶ OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dest));¶ try {¶ out << input;¶ } finally {¶ if (out != null) out.close();¶ if (input != null) input.close();¶ }"; "isGui=false" ) The error was in the definition of the paths for MacOS only ! Sorry to have disturbed uselessly ! Keep yourself healthy! Noël
  21. Hello I have a FMP solution I did under FMP12 using some scripts from Scriptmaster ; everything runs fine ! Opening this solution in FMP14 Adv when one FM script using SM is executed I get a warning window I join a screen copy. I precise that after that the FM script runs fine till its end. I don't understand at all what is said and don't know in what direction I must search to avoid this alert. Thank for your help ! Noël
  22. Hello Just tried and got the following message ????
  23. Just found your answer in my spams ! I'll try soon and come back Thanks Noël
  24. Hello I use the old FM version 12 under Windows 10. In that system is installed the version 8 of Java 64bits. I conserved the 360Scriptmaster pi which was installed previously under Windows Seven. When I lauch FM I have an alert about the version as you can see below ; and if I look in preferences the SM pi is not checked Is that error signified by the pi or some script in my solution ? Thanks for help ? Noël
  25. I'm just come back to give a precision : - I tried to replace SelectFile by ChoosFolder (with the option Files And Directories) and the result is the same : under FileMaker 14 ADV the dialog box appears in background under standalone solution (runtime) it crashes The crah returns error informations joined under MacOS. Under windows after a moment the application doesn't answer and I don't know if there is an error file created and where ! I tried on my iMac, a virtual // machine and my MacBook Pro for the same comportment ! Hope in your advices Noël errorRuntimeSM.rtf
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