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  • Birthday 08/18/1982

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  1. I've just used this script, and it works in principle, however the cursor appears in the field within the portal. It does this even though I've set the field entry options off in both Browse and Find modes. I've i try adding any script step to deselect this field, the portal jumps back to the top. Any other suggestions?
  2. I found a couple of really useful resources when considering various aspects of list layout. Design Better Data Tables This page takes you through a number of features that can be employed to add functionality and increase user experience when using lists. Not all features are available in FM. https://uxdesign.cc/design-better-data-tables-4ecc99d23356 Designing Tables for Reuseability This article is a case study on pulling together disparate worksheets for various departments and organisations and building them into one style with all the functionality. It gives a number of useful suggestions that I have employed in my layouts https://uxdesign.cc/designing-tables-for-reusability-490a3760533 Hope they’re useful
  3. Hi, Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, what I mean is in the "fields" tab of the "Manage Database" window. I.e. when defining new fields in the File>Manage>Database (Ctrl+Shift+D) part of Filemaker. When I enter a new field name and press "Create" it puts the new field at the bottom of the list in this window and dragging it back up past all fields already defined in the table is a chore. It might not be possible to alter this.
  4. Is there a setting somewhere I can change so that when I create a new field in the Manage Database view, it drops immediately below the currently selected field? At the moment it drops to the very bottom of the list and dragging it up is a time-consuming pain! Thanks for any assistance FMP15
  5. Hmm that's an interesting workflow I hadn't considered. It would be unusual for one of our customers to not pay for a specific charge, more likely that they would simply make an error and pay £1,032.23 when they meant to pay £1,023.32. Do you forsee an issue whereby the database simply offers the customer's unpaid invoices at the point of recording a payment, and the user can tick those that should relate to the payment?
  6. You're right, I think I've just had a vision of providing statements that show invoices and payments, however I guess this is unnecessary. (Yes this was the transactions table) So how would you suggest allocating payments to invoices? I can imagine a number of ways, but it becomes complicated when considering partial payments. Thanks for your help
  7. I have a FM solution for the haulage company I work for. Each job is booked into a "Loads" table, and the price and any additional charges for each load is created in a "Charges" table (although charges can also be created that are not related to Loads e.g. storage charges). When ready to be invoiced a new record is created in the "Invoices" table and the invoice is allocated to a particular company. At which point all available charges for that company are displayed and can be pulled onto the invoice (by simply adding the invoice's serial number to the charge selected). I'm having some issues, however, managing payments. At the moment any payment is logged in a "Payments" table. On leaving this table a script imports all invoices and payments into a "Transactions" table so that statements can be displayed. However, this is cumbersome and I still have to manually mark specific invoices as paid (as one payment may pay for multiple invoices) I was hoping to use the "Invoices" table to record payments as a type of invoice with a negative total, which would allow me to pull invoices onto the payments and therefore simultaneously mark them as paid, but then I have the issue of viewing payments when searching for invoices as I'm using the one table for two purposes. Does anyone have any experience of managing invoices and payments who could offer any advice please?
  8. Ah script parameters. I've not used those before but they worked perfectly! Thank you. I elected to set the fields to buttons rather than using script triggers (thank you for the suggestion siroos), as entering the fields cause them to look slightly odd, and the parameters were able to predict the field's content in the way I was using them. Thank you both for your help.
  9. Hi, I'm not sure where to start on my script, but the plan is: I have 3 fields, Field A, Field B and Field C Each displays calculated data (in this instance dates) and each field is a button. I'm trying to get it so that when the user clicks one of the fields, it sets another field (or variable, but I don't have much experience with those) to that field's value. I could create 3 scripts, one for each field. I could also create a script that selects the contents of the selected field and copy and pastes it into another field. But both these methods seem a little cumbersome. Does anyone have any ideas how i can do this in a single script suitable for all fields? I'm thinking something like: "Set Field X to Current Field", but I'm not aware of any such script step. Thank you in advance for any help.
  10. You're right. Well spotted. Thanks
  11. Thank you comment. The variables plan wasn't nearly as simple as setting the find using the global fields directly. I've attached the script, which works perfectly. My apologise to anyone offended by my earlier comments, I obviously didn't explain myself properly. Thanks
  12. Hmm, I don't seem to be able to print it to .pdf Script: Set Variable [$Company_name; Value:Company_name] Set Variable [$Invoice_date_from; Value:Invoice_date_from] Set Variable [$Invoice_date_to; Value:Invoice_date_to] Perform Find [Restore] (Field:Company_name - Criteria:$Company_name) & (Field: Invoice Date - Criteria: $Invoice_date_from ... $Invoice_date_to) Like I say, I've not used variables before so not sure if they're the right tool for the job (one of the reasons I didn't provide the script as it might be totally useless. Certainly seems the Invoice Date part is!) I got the impression that I couldn't perform a find on the data stored in a global field as it wouldn't be accessible in find mode, which is why I thought I would have to copy it into variables. Might have to bump my "Intermediate" status down to "Novice"! Thanks
  13. "I'm an angry person, who uses sarcasm to vent my frustrations at life" Whilst I appreciate your willingness to help, your sarcasm is not so helpful. I appreciate it might have been useful to show you my script, but it refuses to copy and contains more fields than the simplified version I've detailed above (as there are 6 date fields). If you could let me know how I can show you my script without re-typing the whole thing, I'd be more than happy. Thanks
  14. To allow users to quickly filter a list of invoices, I wanted to add global fields to the header of the table, which allow the user to choose values which immediately filter all invoices to just those that match the chosen criteria. I have 3 global fields: Company_name, Invoice_date_from, Invoice_date_to When any of these fields is modified, a script runs which sets a variable to the value selected. E.g. Set Variable [$Company_name; Value:Company_name] The script then Performs a find where the criteria ensures that it only shows records where Company_name is equal to $Company_name The issues, however, are arising when I clear the global field. It clears the variable, but performs a find on "$Company_name" rather than the blank content. I also cannot get it to search on a date range. I had hoped the user could enter an Invoice_date_from, which would find any invoice after that date, or an Invoice_date_to, which would find and invoices before that date, or both which would find any invoices between the two dates. However, this part doesn't work at all. I've not used variables before and the F1 help is less than helpful on the subject. Can any suggest a solution or what I'm missing please? Thanks
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