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  1. po0t

    Web security?

    Should we be concerned about stuff like malware and other web nasties getting in through the web viewer?
  2. that sounds correct.. the barcode would be used mainly to identify the item, and then based on scripts/calculations, it will tie in to the correct item in your inventory table. The detailed info in the inventory table would need to be manually entered. you could add more info to the barcode(eg. combine serial# & lot# & vendor) but you will then have to come up with a system to seperate the data into something that you can work with.. and also your scanner might be limited to the size of barcode that it can read.
  3. We've been using a VPN to connect our two offices here in Vancouver, BC for a couple years now. I think most database solutions would run fine over the VPN.. ours performed ok with a 900kbps upload from our server. Once we wanted to implement this scheduling calendar from Cleveland Consulting however, it was really just too slow(it's a really complicated solution).. so we're currently waiting to get setup on a 2.5Mbps SDSL line. We were also considering using remote desktop instead of having clients access FM over a VPN.. but I just couldn't be sure of how secure that would be, compared to using the VPN. I think one suggestion we got was to use remote desktop over the VPN.. but I haven't explored that yet. Another solution that was recommended.. is this plugin for Filemaker called SyncDek(from worldsync.com). I haven't had the time to really explore this.. it looks promising but also really complicated(i'm no expert). Also probably not the cheapest implementation. Whoa and I just realized this thread is 6 months old. Anyway.. Filemaker Canada connects to their main branch in California using Citrix.. but I believe they were also checking out SyncDek the last time I spoke with them.
  4. Hey all I'm trying to get this print script to print 1 report, and 2 additional reports if certain conditions are met.. both additional reports rely on seperate conditions. The thing is.. one of the computers that needs to use this script has to select a non-default printer to print from.. and so after choosing the printer for the first report, the additional reports print out through the default printer for that computer. The process was to be automated so that you just print the 1st report and the additional reports will be printed as well without the need for anymore additional human input; for efficiency. The script works fine if it's all going through the default printer. It doesn't really help that I don't fully understand storing print settings and the whole keep/replace thing.. but really all i need is for filemaker to use the printer that was last selected for the duration of the script. A description of how things are set up.. We have 2 offices. Filemaker is served from one location, and from our other office is the computer that is using Filemaker via Terminal Service on the server. This method was necessary.. client software at the remote office accessing Filemaker via VPN is just too slow at the moment, and by using Terminal Service on that particular computer, Filemaker just runs a lot faster. We can't really set the server's default printer to the printer at the remote office, since we also use the server's printer for printing out diagnostic reports(I work at a sleep clinic). So this remote computer has to manually select the printer on their end to print from each time.. otherwise it gets printed on the wrong printer.. in the wrong office. With the use of this script in question.. the first report prints at the remote location.. while the 2 additional reports would autmomatically print to the wrong office. Hope that made sense. Here's what I have.. #Enter Browse Mode [] #Go to Layout ["FIRST REPORT"(PatientDatabase)] #Show All Records #Omit Record #Show Omitted Only #Print Setup [Restore; No dialog] #Enter Preview Mode [Pause] #Print [] #If [${PatientDatabase}::FieldToCheckForCondition = "ConditionMet"] #__Enter Browse Mode [] #__Go to Layout ["SECONDREPORT" (PatientDatabase)] #__Enter Preview Mode [] #__Print [No dialog] #End If #If [isEmpty(${PatientDatabase}::2NDFIELDCONDITIONCHECK)] #__Go to Layout [original layout] #__Enter Browse Mode [] #Else #__If [${PatientDatabase}::2NDFIELDCONDITIONCHECK = "CONDITIONMET"] #_______________________/* if the field isn't empty, it checks for a particular #_______________________value, if matched the script exits */ #____Go to Layout [original layout] #____Enter Browse Mode [] #__Else /* any other value for the field triggers the 3rd report to print */ #____Enter Browse Mode [] #____Go to Layout ["THIRDREPORT" (PatientDatabase)] #____Enter Preview Mode [] #____Print [No dialog] #__End If #End If #Go to Layout [original layout] #Enter Browse Mode[] Upgrading to Filemaker Pro 7 soon(the above script was taken from a Pro 7 trial.. still won't work in Pro 6), that will hopefully speed things up between the two offices so that we wouldn't need the fancy remote connection.. but in the meantime I'd like to try and get this to work.. a noob, gillz
  5. thanks for the reply.. i suppose a redesign of our db will be in order.. if we're gonna be using filemaker through a browser.. our main layout is pretty busy. don't think i can just throw our current layouts into the web interface and expect it to be blazing fast.. it's already kinda slow over the vpn. edit: yea.. 12 bucks an hour to do just that...
  6. Hey all Just had some questions about Server 7 Advanced.. since there's no trial for it I can't just find out for myself. Just so you all know, I'm no database/computer expert, i'm just the one in charge of the computer related duties. Lemme just outline the setup we have right now.. We have 2 offices.. one has our server(5.5) with 4 clients(v6), the other has 4 clients, and 1 computer using a remote desktop kind of program to use the client that's on the server. we have a VPN set up between the 2 offices. We have a few other people who work outside our offices who use information from our database, and a 3rd office will be opening up which will need access. The performance of Filemaker in our 2nd office has gotten quite slow lately; with the exception of the computer using the remote access.. My boss has tasked me with checking out Server 7 Advanced, to see if we can make use of the web interface instead of having to use client software and VPNs. I was wondering; if i were to install FM Pro 7 on the server, and shared our database files with the web publishing feature, could i use that to gauge the performance of the web interface as compared to if i were using FMS7A? I did a test like this on a different computer, of lesser computing power.. the results weren't that great. within the same office, it took a few seconds to load each page.. and from our other office, we couldn't even get 1 page to fully load, and it kept getting disconnected. Now.. that wasn't the best test scenario, but I was just wondering if the web publishing performance of FMP 7 could be used to compare to FMS7A's web publishing. Is the web interface a viable option as a replacement to using the client software? Does anyone have any suggestions? Our db could probably use some cleaning/optimization.. Sorry to write so much to ask some simple questions. po0t
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