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Everything posted by Steelers1

  1. That's it! It worked. Hooray!!! Thank you for your help!
  2. "Highlighting" may have been a poor choice of words on my part. Yes I am just trying to setup a calculation to show which keywords may be in the text description of a particular record. And yes I think that all of the keywords are limited to one word values.
  3. The text field that I am trying to filter is not a return delimited list unfortunately. It is a generic text description that I am just trying to filter to certain keywords, which may be any random order but are valuable to highlight.
  4. I am afraid that that too is not working well for me. So I thought that perhaps using the ValueListItems function with a Let () command might help but still am not getting anywhere fast. Attempt #1= No results: Let ( var1 = ValueListItems ( "test" ; "test" ) ; FilterValues ( test::Text Field ; var1) ) Attempt #2= Error results: Let ( var1 = " & ValueListItems ( "test" ; "test" ) & " ; FilterValues ( test::Text Field ; var1) ) Error message from Attempt #2: "The specified table can not be found." Let ( var1 = " & ValueListItems ( "test" ; "test" ) & " ; FilterValues ( test::Text Field ; var1) )
  5. I am trying to setup a calculation that filters out the data in a Text Field from entries in a Value List (i.e. provides keywords from an associated list). The data in the Text Field is NOT position specific and the list of potential keyword values is hundreds of entries long and will be changing over time. So I generated a Value List based on entries for values entered in another table. The "ValueListItems" function works well to provide a return delimited list of the entries in the value list but how do I turn this into a Filter command that requires the filterText to be a list of values each surrounded by quotations? Filter ( textToFilter ; filterText ) I would be very grateful if someone out there had some suggestions on what direction I should try and take this.
  6. You will want to check that your users have access privileges to read & write to files in the FileMaker Pro > Extensions > Dictionaries directory otherwise the "Learn" will be grayed out as FileMaker Pro will not be able to write to the User Dictionary.
  7. Can one use this to pass a parameter between database files? Or is it limited to passing data between scripts within the same file?
  8. My version of MS Outlook 2003 SP3 does not have that checkbox under the Tools>Options>Security. Hmmm....
  9. Hi there everyone! I was wondering if anyone else out ther has seen this sort of thing or not. I am using the Send Mail script step with the "no dialog" option. However, when I run this script my computers are prompting with this warning message from MS Outlook: Microsoft Office Outlook A program is trying to automatically send e-mail on your behalf. Do you want to allow this? If this is unexpected, it may be a virus and you should choose "No". Buttons: Yes No Help When you click Yes, the script continues without a problem but I need to automate this and bypass the MS Outlook prompt. Any ideas?
  10. The MooPlug works really well. I just can't believe that there isn't something from within FileMaker directly to handle it.
  11. I am not certain how to script the file check other than to insert the file into a container field and then do an Insert Calculated Result for the container using a calculation of GetasText (ContainerName). Of course, this still puts me in the problem of the prompt specifying Insert File window when the file doesn't exist.
  12. Actually we have a contract with one of our customers that requires that we save a PDF of our documents that we send. So they just sit out there on our server for the customer's auditing/backup requirements. That is just what they require. Hence the importance of not accidentally overwriting the PDF files. I thought about trying out the "Append" feature of the Save Records as PDF but am concerned that if our customer saw more than one copy of the document in the PDF files, they wouldn't understand the multiple copies.
  13. Hi there! Any ideas out there for this one? I have a script that Saves Records as PDFs using a filename that encorporates several fields from the record. I am trying to create some security in the script so that if a PDF with that particular filename already exists, that it is NOT overwritten. So before the Save Records as PDF script step is intiated, I used the Insert File step with the filename to insert the file in a global container field. Then used the Get(LastError)=0 and used the Else to show a custom dialog message warning that the file exists and then exits the script before getting to the Save Records command. It works well if the PDF file does exist...BUT if the PDF file doesn't exist yet, then the Insert File step comes up with a window prompting that the user specify a file location . One then has to click "CANCEL" before the script continues to generate the PDF file (which it does fine). I am trying to get rid of this prompt for a file location or maybe there is a better way to go about this task???
  14. I imagine that it would have been wise to draw some agreement up front clarifying things, but at that stage, they would have thought that I was crazy thinking that some systems might some day have market potential. :
  15. Actually my original post sounds pretty harsh doesn't it? The truth is that I was brought on board with a company as an In House Developer and now that they are seeing the benefits of the systems and process improvements that are incorporated in my solutions, they realize the market potential. They refuse to enter into an agreement about any possibilities for external sales and now they have been meeting secretly with outside parties developing marketing plans to sell the solutions. How come I keep getting the feeling that when the music stops, I am going to be the one without a chair?
  16. If my employer were to choose to fire me, then would I be legally bound to provide them with the administrative passwords to the solutions that I have created? The existing solutions would be completely viable without the admin password, they simply would not be able to alter it or worse sell it without the password. Any ideas?
  17. The idea is to automate some of the data entry that we are currently doing. One set of project specific records can be up to 700 entries. Of course there may only be 30 recordes that need "Company XYZ" entered into "Field A". And the next set of data that needs to be entered may be "3/12/08" into "Field B" for 15 records. Many of my users are Excel proficient and love the Ctrl+D function for data entry.
  18. I am trying to collect data from a user to be inserted into the field that they specify. So an example might be that the user chooses "Field A" to have "Company XYZ" data entered into "Field A". This "Company XYZ" would be entered into "Field A" for all of the records in the current found set. Does that help?
  19. I am writing a script that I need to use the "Go To Field" is the fieldname specified in a global $$Fieldname variable? Any ideas? Perhaps there is a different scriptstep that I should be using? :B
  20. I have a set of calcs & variables that are confounding me. I have a report that creates a new set of page numbers when sorted by the field "Type". I would like to have a header at the top of each page that shows page 1 of say 20 for "Type"=A, page 1 of 13 for "Type"=B, etc. Do I use variables in my print script to set the Total Number of Pages by Type? Do I create some loops in my Print script to print each "Type" seperately? Any ideas? :)
  21. Perfect. Thanks! Didn't even think to assign object names to the tabs themselves. Good tip!
  22. I am trying to customize a script to perform differently based on which tab control on the layout is currently active. Any ideas?
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