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See all scripts that reference a layout

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I am making a new layout to replace an existing one. I want to edit all the scripts that reference the old layout and have them go to the new layout instead. This seems like the sort of thing that should be easy to find in FMPerception, but I don't see how to do it. When I navigate to the layout in FMPerception, then select "Script References" it shows me the scripts that are called by objects on the layout, but it doesn't show me scripts that use this layout. Am I missing something?


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No, you aren't missing anything, per se.  It's just something that hasn't been tackled yet.  It's on the list.

In the short term, use the global Text Search function (not the one inside a particular layout) and run a search for the layout name.  If the layout name is too common to generate meaningful results, try renaming the layout (perhaps in a clone), and then regenerate the DDR.

Depending upon your naming conventions, this may result in exactly the list you're looking for (with the addition of the layout itself appearing on the list).

Please let me know if that doesn't meet your needs.

Dave Ramsey

P.S. Watch out for indirection.  Targeting a layout by calculated name or calculated number is one of the oldest FileMaker indirection functions available.

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This topic is 2915 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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