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attachments not sending

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We've been using the plugin 360Works Email 1.99 for years and have a new bug.

When sending any message from our FileMaker database:

  • the attachments download to temporary place, $attachmentFilepath
  • when calling this function, EmailAttachFile ( $attachmentFilepath ), the result is 1
  • but the recipient does not receive the attachments (if we BCC ourselves and look at the sent message outside of FileMaker, the attachments are not there)
  • when viewing the sent message in Gmail, in list view Gmail displays a paperclip icon like there is an attachment but there is no attachment

If we then go back into the same message in FileMaker and FORWARD it, the attachment sends.

Any suggestions on where to begin troubleshooting?



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An update -- when sending an original message (versus forwarding a message) to a couple of test non-Gmail accounts, the attachments go through! 

The problem remains -- when sending "original messages" to any Gmail accounts (and possibly others), attachments seem to be detected but do not arrive.

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