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Potal Summaries


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Any help with this would be greatly appreciated as I am confusing myself!

Basically we have a spreadsheet that keeps peoples hours on certain job numbers. I have 2 tables in filemaker one for jobs and one for hours. I want to import the hours from my spreadsheet into the hours table and have a portal on the Jobs table so that you can view who has done what hours on any particular job. I have created a relationship between job number on hours and job number on jobs.

This is all working well. We update the hours on the spreadsheet weekly and when I import the records I choose "update existing records in the found set" which gives me a running total, so far so good.

The issue I have is that we have a new spreadsheet for each month but jobs obviously can run over several months. So if a person has a hundred hours showing in the portal as it goes to the next month he might have five hours and when I import it then shows just the five hours.

I think the best way would be to, every week that we import the records, adds them as a new line so that effectively you will have 1/10/16 John 15 hrs, 7/10/16 John 7 hrs etc. Then I would need to summarise these hours.

Does anyone know of a good way to do this or even if there is a different approach?

Hopefully this makes sense.



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I don't think my description of my problem was very good but I am progressing with it. I now think the simplest thing to do is import the data each week and use the add records function. This will give me a record for each person and what hours they have done on which job.

I have related the hours table to the jobs table by job number and have a portal on the jobs layout to show all the hours each person has done on that job which is working.

The problem I have is that it is listing the persons name multiple times in the portal. Ideally I need the persons name once and their total hours next to it. I have been playing around with sub summaries which I can get to work but not in the portal.

Is this possible? Is there another approach I could try?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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