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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Where would one put shell scripts or other unix command line script for MacOS X?


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Where would one put shell scripts or other unix command line script for MacOS X?

Such as this script https://github.com/TyrfingMjolnir/FileMakerBackupRemoval in which I wrote to curate offline backups.

This script would run anywhere in combination with an rsync

# crontab -l
5 * * * * /usr/bin/rsync -av /Volumes/backup/fms03/* /Users/backup/fms03/ && /usr/bin/chown -R backup:staff /Users/backup/fms03 && /usr/bin/chmod -R 760 /Users/backup/fms03

this crontab is from a remote backup such as Synology, FreeNAS, Joyent SmartOS, docker, k8, linux, or other unixes such as MacOS X. Any nix flavour that runs SMB, SSH, or NFS really.


What I'm asking is for the forum moderator to add `Unix/Linux shell script automation` under `OS Level Database Automation` next to `AppleScript & Automator` and `Windows automation`

Edited by ggt667
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