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Nickenich, Germany - (November 8th, 2022) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS Xojo Plugins 22.5 for macOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin collection currently available for Xojo. MBS Xojo Plugins have been updated and now includes over 3000 classes and 80,000 documented features, and the versatile plugins have gained more new functions:

This release contains a few great enhancement for iOS development for our iOS Plugin: 

First, we start with classes for using Google Ads inside your Xojo applications, e.g. GADMobileAdsMBS class. Beside doing in-app purchases with our StoreKit classes, this is a second way for you to monetize your applications.

Second, we got a new set of classes around PHPickerViewControllerMBS class to use the photo picker dialog on iOS. Your users can import photos, live photos or videos from their Photos library. No permissions dialog will come into the way as the user explicitly grants your application access to the selected items. 

Third, we got the VNDocumentCameraViewControllerMBS class to scan documents on the iOS device. The user can point with the camera on a document and the picture is taken, the page recognized and rectified. The pages are then transferred to your application.

Forth, we got a new ProgressHUDMBS class to show progress to the user. This can either be an indeterminate circle of dots to show something is going on. Or it can either be a circle or a bar to show progress for a determinate process.

Fifth, if you write a CallKit extension, you can use CXCallDirectoryManagerMBS class to manage it. This may include querying the status of the extension or to reload the data after an update.

After all the classes for iOS, we got enhancements for our MongoDB plugin: use the new MongoSessionMBS class to start a transaction, do a few changes to the database and commit them all together. When you are not in a transaction, all changes are automatically committed. 

The Windows Bluetooth classes got an upgrade with new events for WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS class and new GetGattServicesAsync and GetGattServicesForUuidAsync methods.

For macOS we added hasDestructiveAction property to NSButtonMBS class, added new events for ContinuityCameraMBS class, added shouldRefetchContacts property to CNSaveRequestMBS class and new methods for NSCalendarMBS class. The OverlayMBS class can now work with a dialog on macOS and properties like AddedToDirectoryDateMBSand AddedToDirectoryDateTimeMBS for folderitems are now settable.

The FileListMBS class can now query directory content in a thread friendly way and thus can be cancelled if needed. The JSONMBS class got a AddOrReplaceItemToObject method. The XMLDocumentMBS class can now load XML thread friendly. JPEG handling got optimized with setjmp optimization, 

Finally we updated CURL to version 7.86.0, DynaPDF to, LCMS to 2.14, openssl to 1.1.1s, SQLAPI to 5.2.2, SQLite to 3.39.4 and Xcode to 14.0.1.

See release notes for a complete list of changes.


More details in the release notes. Please take the time to check our 600 example databases and check where you can use our plugin features in your solutions.

System Requirements:
* macOS 10.9 or later, including macOS 12.x Monterey
* Windows 7 and newer, including Windows 11
* FileMaker Pro 7 to 19.5
* FileMaker iOS SDK 
* FileMaker Server for Linux, Windows oder macOS
* FileMaker Cloud for AWS
* Claris Pro
* Claris Server

Pricing and Availability:
MBS FileMaker Plugin is available directly from the MonkeyBread Software website with licenses starting at just $149 (USD). You can just download and try the plugin without a license or request a trail license. Not all functions are available in all platforms, please check specifications. Please join us on the next conferences and visit our booth.

Monkeybread Software: 

MBS FileMaker Plugin Website: 

Function Reference: 

Download Free Trial:

Events and conferences:

Release notes: 

Located in beautiful Nickenich, Germany, MonkeyBread Software is a privately held company founded in 2000 by Christian Schmitz. MonkeyBread Software focuses on the Macintosh, Linux and Windows platforms. With over twenty years as a software developer, Christian's aim is developing unique and useful utilities, complemented by first-class customer support.

Copyright 2000-2022 Christian Schmitz Software GmbH.
MonkeyBread Software is a registered trademark of Christian Schmitz, Nickenich. All Rights Reserved. Apple, and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries. FileMaker Pro and FileMaker are trademarks of Claris International, Inc. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

Christian Schmitz 
Monkeybread Software


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