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Error Codes

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I am hosting several multi-users files on a G4 Mac with Filemaker Server 5.5.

Two clients running Mac OSX 10.2 are occasionally unable to open any of these files because of "An error of type 6". Can anyone tell me what this means? It only happens every now and then. It never happens on a coupld other Macs running OSX 10.2 and never happens on a Windows Xp Pro. machine.

Also, is there a complete list of what all error codes mean? Thanks in advance!

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After exhaustive trial and error, I found a fixed this problem.

For reference for anyone that may encounter this error, I will detail it under "General Discussions..." in the thread I started entitled: "Error Codes"

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This topic is 7926 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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