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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Printing scripts to file does... nothing?

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Okay, I am trying to print my scripts to a PostScript file.

This is something I've done many times in the past.

But now when I do so, everything proceeds like normal... no error messages, the dialog shows the print progressing through a page or two for each, the dialog says that its saving. But no file appears.

FMP v 5.5, Mac OS 10.1.5. I even rebooted the machine and re-tried. I've tried on numerous different FP5 files.

Any ideas? Has anyone had such troubles?

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Not sure what changed... found that after reboot, the print queue was hung up... not that anything was going to the printer, but evidently it still goes through the print queue. I cleared it out, stopped it, restarted it, and I was again able to print.

So, I'll just write that one up to gremlins... and hope that the newer version of the OS which I will install soon will have less gremlins.

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