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Can't find hosted files using TCP/IP?


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Hello everyone, hopefully someone can help me with my dilemma. I'm not the most versed with Mac's!

I am working with FileMaker Server 5.5 on a G3 and FileMaker 5.5 clients on iMac machines. We have a small network (3 stations) connected with a LinkSys router and switch. Everything is running OS 9.something.

Everything works fine using Appletalk, but I wanted to switch to TCP/IP so I could use filemaker on the windows machines on the network (but have not even installed FM on them yet). Now nothing shows up on my list of files when I click "Hosts" even if I enter the IP address and everything.

Any ideas what I should try? Could it be an issue with the router or something? I am not a master of Macs so maybe it is something simple? My ethernet connection is set to TCP/IP and works fine... What gives?

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Make sure the router can handle IP on the port FMS uses. One way to test is to connect a computer to the network on the same side as the server and see if it works from there. If it doesn't then the router needs re-configuring.

Also, set the switch to "on." (just joking)

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  • Newbies

I figured it out. At first I thought maybe it was something with the router, since I had previously turned off all the services we weren't using. Turns out it was just me being dumb, hence turning it on haha!

I was trying to find the host on the same machine that the server was running on, i.e. running the server and a client on the same g3. This worked just fine before, using AppleTalk, but I guess it doesn't work when switched to tcp/ip. I tried it on a different computer, and abracadabra, the host files show up.

The next project is convincing the boss we need a "separate" machine to run the server! smile.gif

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