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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

show records (based on day and ID) in self related portal


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I try to get this work, but it seems pretty complicated crazy.gif ...

I like to show -in a 'self related' (timesheet)record- a portal with a list of records from the EmployeeID that is currently active in the browse mode.

If that was the problem, I wouldn't have a problem grin.gif ....

But I like ONLY to see a list of records -in the portal- from a partical day, based on a 'date' field.

Is this possible?

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Hi freecolours,

What you are wanting to do is not all that difficult.

First create a calculating text field (stored and indexed) called cEmployeeDate with the formula set to:

EmployeeID & YourDateField

Next create a global date field called gSearchDate into which to enter the particular date that you want to view employee records for.

Now create a second (unstored) calculation field called 'cDateSearch' of result type text with the formula:

EmployeeID & gSearchDate

Finally, create a relationship which matches the cDateSearch field with the cEmployeeDate field and base your portal on that.

If you place the gSearchDate field above the portal, whenever you put a date into that field, records for the current employee (ie the employee whose record you are currently on) which have a corresponding date in the 'YourDateField' field will be displayed in the portal.

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Thanks CobaltSky! It works perfect!

I still have one question; how can I get a total of hours -used in the portal- only from that day?

For example: I have 3 records in the portal, containing a timefield. What I would like is to have a field that will show the time total from only that day and EmployeeID. Is this possible too? confused.gif

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If you create an unstored calculation field with a formula along the lines of:


and place it on the layout outside the portal (eg underneath it), it will display the total of the times showing in the TimeField in the portal.

So long as you use the relationship which we discussed previously, which is based on the calc fields which concatenate EmployereID and Date, the time total shown will be for one employee, for the date entered into the gSearchDate field.

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