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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Creating a quiz!!!


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Help!!!! I am a complete FM novice and have managed to pick up the basics very quickly. But i am making a quiz using FM and am stuck. All the questions are multiple choice with three choices which i have used radio buttons for, each question is on a new layout linked to the next with a button and script. what i want to know is how can i give the correct answer from each question a value of one and the incorrect answers a value of 0 and then have a total at the end of how many they got right!!!!!

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well I assume you're currently using a value list for each question, with each of the possible written answers. This way, the answers appear next to the radio buttons. It might be better to type the answers manually onto the layout, and just use "1" or "0" as the possible answers for each question internally (and hide those so users only see the radio buttons and not the 1/0 values).

eg: if the second response is correct for the question, the value list for that question would be:





(assuming there are 4 possible responses)

Then you could simply use a calculation field to add up the values of question1+question2+question3...etc.

I haven't messed around with radio buttons much... so forgive me if my solution is not realistic.

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Wouldn't that make it too difficult to distinguish between one quiz-taker from the next?

Because once the quiz is taken, all you care about is the total correct... so wouldn't you want one record for each?

You could use a relationship for this... but I don't see the problem with having multiple questions on one record (the fact that it's multiple layouts is irrelevent, he might as well have all the questions on one scren).

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