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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

More about "Today" vs. tatus (CurrentDate)

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I have read so must about the similarities and differences of these two funtions that I'm confused again. I don't know if I have ever read the answer to my question or not, but, Which of those calculations will return a date and then NOT update it? I have a calculation that is supposed to return the current date when a number is entered in another field. The date isn't supposed to change after that. If someone can explain this to me along with what storage options should be set, I would be most appreciative.



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Today can be stored and indexed, so it is good for generating value lists. However, Today only updates itself when the file is closed and re-opened.

Status(CurrentDate) should be unsed in an unstored calculation so it is always updated, but then it cannot be indexed.

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