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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Please Help with Total Hrs Wrkd Within Date Range


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Hello, I need some help and I hope I can explain this correctly....

I have a solution that allows the user to input date, work performed, amount of time worked, and total dollar amount for work. All of this information is entered in the Time Billing database which holds a portal to line items. All of my relationships are set up and I am only having problems with one final report.

I would like to be able to generate a report for Work Performed During a Date Range (which includes, job number, date of work, hours worked, and dollar amount for work performed). I have been able to genereate a report that Groups all of the Jobs together like this ----

JOB #: ABC1234

Date: 11/01/02 Work Performed: Testing Hours: 1 Amount: $70.00

Date: 10/02/02 Work Perfomed: More Testing Hours: 2 Amount $70.00

Now for my problem... I am searching for only the information within a date range... I have that part figured out by using a script, etc... but the end result gives me a Total Amount of Hours (subtotal of Hours Worked) for all records with that same job number... not just the total hours for the job within that date range. So the total actual hours may be 50, but I only want to see the total from the date range....

Hope this makes sense... thanks,


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how is the Total hours field set up?

i have a similar report to what you are explaining. which is shown when a find between a range is run via a scipt.

The find result is shown on a report layout. in the footer i have my Total Summary Hours field. The field is set as a summary field with running total selected and the it summarises the toatl sub hours field of the found records.

hope this is of use,


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