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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Horizontal scrollbar in a portal


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Is there a tip to create an horizontal scrollbar to a portal ?

In my CLIENT DB, I use this solution to give the illusion of sliding row in a portal that can contain max 5 fields (there is no room for more in this layout). But I need to have access to 9 fields

My first idea (and solution for the moment) is to duplicate the layout and modify the positions of fields in the portal.

Layout 1 shows Field N

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If any of those fields in portal should be editable than I think you'll need to forgot about it, otherwise....

define aux calculated fields in your child DB like this:






slidingFieldn=GetField("Field"&gCounter+n-1) //this row doesn't contain any variable n it's only the way to express an recursive formula

Now from your master file simply change the value of gCounter.

Obviuosly this is an workaround only for text and numeric fields.

For date and time fields you should first perform Date/Time to Text transformation and, hence define more aux field for this purpouse.

Dj smirk.gif

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Suposing you have nominated fields in your child file in this manner:

Field1, field2, field3 ect.

Than setting value of gCounter to 2 would show fields field2 thru field6 for ex

setting it to 3 would show fields field3 thru field7 ect.



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I understand. Thank you.

While waiting, I tried another way.

I created a two lines header for the portal and tried to hide another portal with fields 5 to 8 background. I didn't find out how I can select the second portal to appear but there must be a way.

With a script go to field 6, I can see the field 6 from portal 1 appear clode to portal 2.

But as my fields siez aren't equal, I can't go anylonger in this way.

Surely your solution provides a real sliding field (more likely an horizontal scrollbar than mine). I'll try and tell you.

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