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FTPit Multiple Download


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Well, that's a fairly good (though brief) description of what FTPit does.

To make multiple download, you must cycle through the directory of the remote host using the:

External ("doFTP-ListFirst", "")


External ("doFTP-ListNext", "")

functions, and placing their results into the External ("doFTP-Get", "") function as the operative parameter. This is generally best done within a loop, with the loop set to exit when an epmty string is returned by External ("doFTP-ListNext", "") (which indicates that there are no more files to retrieve).

The FTPit plug-in comes provided with fully configured example files that show this (and numerous other options) in action, plus detailed notes and explanations of how to set it all up. If for some reason you don't still have these they can be downloaded free from the CNS web site.

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