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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Spaces in Script - WHY?


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I have a script which performs a find:

Enter find mode (all check boxes de-selected)

Set Field ORDER NO TEMP - ORDER NO & "/1"(result is text)

Perform Find (all check boxes de-selected)

Set to find all order numbers with a /1 at the end.

It seems to work fine when i test it but for some reason when i go back in to the script e.g 2 hours later - FM has put spaces betwwen the text. e.g. " / 1 "

Can someone please tell me why this is happening.

I have just changed the step from Set field to Insert Calc Result to see if this helps!!



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Do you mean that FMP has found records with spaces in the search string? This may be because FMP considers the slash and digit separate words.

Try performing the search wth quotes around the string... "/1"

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