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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Open URL with Target "_blank" (open in new window)

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I don't have a solid answer, but I can give you something to think about.

You'd probably use AppleScript instead of the "Open URL" script step.

Your script would open application Explorer, new window, open url (something like that).

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Probably cannot do becuase the Open URL script uses operating system calls to view the web page, not HTML.

There would need to be an option in the Open URL step that opers the option of opening in a new page.

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this file is being published over the internet. i will have pc and mac browsers hitting this page.

Are you using web publishing or are users simply connecting to the database remotely?

I would think this would be pretty easy with web publishing, though you'd have to use Custom Web Publishing (rather than Instant Web Publishing).

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