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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

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First set up your sort in the Sort dialog (under Tools)

Then create your script using the Sort script step (be sure to select the option to "Restore Sort Order")

The script will now remember the sort you set up a moment ago.

If you wanted to change that sort setup, go back to the Sort dialog, set it up how you like, go back into the script, then close the script. It will ask you if you want to keep the previous sort information or replace it with that currently in use.

Have fun!

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The script will remember the sort order but.... If another user is accessing the DB and does not know the proper sort order... does each script remember a different sort order without having to change it in the dialog box every time? so that each button will sort according to its script step without dialog

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A useful technique is to make a bunch of one-command sort scripts, named for what is being sorted, SortID, SortDate, SortCity, SortName, etc. Do the sort manually before creating each one, so it will remember that sort.

In all scripts that need to sort a certain way, add a Perform Script (subscript) step that runs that particular sort order. The same technique can be used for frequent Finds that need to run in scripts.

In general, you do a one-time setup of all needed Sorts and Finds, then use then as subscripts when needed.

Steve Brown

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