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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

value lists and scripts

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I have a layout which has 10 check boxes. If these check boxes are checked, I have a calculation field that summarizes these into text abbreviations (i.e. TLFBX, each which represents a task).. Why is it that if I uncheck a check box that the abbreviation field will not update.. It still lists the originally checked boxes... I need some serious help on this so that the calc filed will actualy represnt the checked boxes..


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I've run into this in the past and one possible suggestion (which actually gives you more flexibility in the future if you need to alter things is to creat a script which you attached to the check box. Essentially you'll be turning your check box field into a button. This way, when the user clicks the check box your script executes, it can then check the contents of the other fields, etc.

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The result is not stored... it must be something in the syntax of my script or messing up my value list. When I check additional items and run a script (the script is set to check if field "x" is set to 1)... The calculation field changes to the correct result. However, if I uncheck a box this does not work.. it still shows the previous result. My value list for the check box only has the number one.. could this be the issue... or something else?

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In the script, use the IsEmpty() expression. I find it is more reliable to test whether a field is empty or not, than to test for a particular value.

IsEmpty() returns logical 1 if the field is empty. Empty means nada, nothing in the field. A single blank space is not empty.

I'd also check to see whether the field really is empty: check boxes only display the defined values. Other entries (like the last version of the value list) don;t appear as a box and so are not cleared.

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