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1 folder w. 20 txtfiles imported to FM

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I have 1 folder with 20 txt-files which I want to import into FM automatically. Each record in FM have 2 fields (1 with the name of the txt-file, the other with the contest of the txt-file).

I have tried to modify the "Import Picture"-script which comes with FM without any success. I get a Filemaker error when the script arrives at set cell "filecontestt" of newRecord to file (txtFileRef). A guess would be that I have to copy/paste the text, instead of importing it. But...I might be wrong!

The modified script:

--choose a folder with text files


set folderPath to (choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder with text files to import

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Change the line to:

set cell "filecontestt" of newRecord to (read txtFileRef as text)

You may also have to coerce txtFileRef to be an alias or file reference rather than a string like this:

set cell "filecontestt" of newRecord to (read alias txtFileRef as text)

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