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"Splitting" a portal

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Not sure if this one belongs here or in the Portal Forum....

I have a portal on my layout showing 20 rows, which is the maximum number of related records. For design reasons, I want to "split" the portal, i.e. have two portals showing 10 records each. Now obviously if I just put another portal on the layout, it'll show the same related records as in the first portal. Is there a calc I can use to get the 2nd portal to show the records from row 11 onwards from the 1st portal?

Something like "GetPortalRow" - which I don't think exists?

I don't want to use a scroll bar, as I want the records visible at all times so that the user is able to click on any one of the portal rows and then go to the related record. Any ideas please?

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Simply define in your master an value list "PortalList" as use only related values (from your original relationship) from field recordID (if you don't have it define it as serial number text for ex ID001 ect)

Now, allways your master file, define an unstored calc:


Finally define the second relationship using field restOfPortal in your master file and recordID in related file.

Put the second portal beside the original one.

Dj smirk.gif

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This is an excellent tip, but it will be necessary to use the 'RightWords' function, not the 'Right' function, or else it will not work as expected.

I'm sure that is what Dj had in mind! wink.gif

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This topic is 7904 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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