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I am running FMP 5.0v3 on XP Pro.

I have an invoice database with 2 portals, one for line items and one for payments.

To calculate the total of the line items I use the aggregate function SUM(Relationship::Field). I use the same method to calculate the total of payments.

The TotalPayments field gives the right amount except that if I put my cursor in the field it goes to zero (to nothing if I specify not to evaluate if the fields are empty). This is true only when I click on the TotalPayments field after clicking on the background (no focus), if I first put my cursor in another field then click on the TotalPayments the total remains correct.

The line items total field, which is identical in every way, doesn't behave this way at all and shows the correct total no matter what.

I have tried creating a new TotalPayments field but it gives the same result.

This weird behavior extends to the calculation fields that uses TotalPayments. For instance I have a field called BalanceOwed (BalanceOwed = TotalLineItems - TotalPayments) which shows the correct result until I put my cursor in it (or try to print it in a report), it then results to TotalLineItems - 0.

As soon as I put the focus somewhere else, those fields return to their expected results.


Anyone seen that before ?

Anyone can make sense out of that ?



You may be experiencing a refreshing problem, as I believe that you currently have thos 2 portals next onr to another. As total payments is related (or calculated) based on the Total Invoiced based on the Line Item for Invoice...

1. Why don't set your field as a "not allow entry" as this is a calc and you don't need to enter the field. Or make this field an exit field script.

Or use an exit script step within the interface.

2. Are you saying your prints are not correct ?

3. I may be totally wrong and you may experiencing a bug....



More details:

The two portals are not one beside the other they are on different layouts. But in any case TotalPayments is not related or calculated based on the TotalLineItems...

TotalLineItems = Sum(LineItems::Price)

TotalPayments = Sum(Payments::Amount)

BalanceOwed = TotalLineItems - TotalPayments

The main problem is not that the calculation result changes when the cursor is in the field but that it changes when printing reports, which makes my reports inaccurate and unreliable.

I am also very nervous about working with fields that have such unexpected behaviours. A lack of accuracy in such a critical place in the system would be disastrous.



This is odd and disastrous behavior...and the formulas look fine.

1. Where do you print you report from ?

2. What is the "Price" and "Payments" like (num or calc ?)

3. What kind of report are you printing (on invoice or a report)

4. What are your keys like ?


I found what was causing this behavior...

The relationship with the payments DB was being sorted on a field that was missing... I replaced the sort field and the calculation fields now behave normally.


Fiou ! Je preffere ca...

Merci de ton aide.

This topic is 7979 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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