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Show records from a popup-menu field in a portal??

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Dear all,

I have a problem with the portal now. I want to show the "explanation" of a process from "Process" file on a portal of main file and I also want to show "images" of selected process from "Process" file if I click on the field "process type" with field format is popup menu in a "Main file".

Here is the detail of database

Main file:

01 Field to select process type to show basic information of the process or

to show images of the process

02 Field to select process type to jump to data_input/data_browsing pages for the selected process.

Process file:

Explanation of each treatment process (Activated sludge, trickling filter...)

01-Process type (to be linked with 01 in Main file)

02- Explanation

03- Schematic diagram (images)

How can I show the related records of explanation or images of the selected process (Process file) on a portal from Main file seperately if I click on the process type field to selec a process?

I am confused with it and hope to get your help now.

Thanks for helping me



Hi Snow,

I don't quite understand what exaclty are the 01,02....in this post.

I believe what you want is to display some more details from an established relationship from a Main File to a Related File...

If it is, you would need to "extract" the key from the Portal and use it as a new "temporary key" for a new relationship temporary key ::related key.

There are a lot of posts on the Forum for this. Here are 2 threads I saw in the last weeks

Thread 1

Thread 2 with attachment


Hi Ugo,

The 01, 02 are the codes of fields which my advisor wants me to understand which field is related to another one. Thanks for showing me these threads. I read many threads in portal section last night but I really don't understand much because I am new to use portal. Can you explain to me how to make a new "temporary key" for a new relationship temporary key ::related key in my case? I tried to make a relationship like that but it didn't work. I used the relationship for format portal (process_type key ::process_type key) but it cannot represent the related record (explanation) on the portal at all. I still don't understand here. can you help me be clear now?



Ciao Snow,

This is very well explained, at least by Ray (Cobalt Sky) and Bert (Live Oak) in my link "Thread 1".

Very succintely, your portal surely lists a few related records with their proper Ids or serial Nums. May be these 01, 02 ..?

The "key" here is to extract by script one serial/ID from a portal row and "paste" it into a global/text field on the layout.

A new relationship will therefore be established from that global or Text field at left side and the referenced Id in the related file.

Then, you can display in the Main file, some detailled information from the related file, either using another portal with this new relationship, or by dropping on the layout some "related fields and images" using this new relationship.

Now, it's still not clear about the pop-up you were talking in your first post... nor if the suggestion I first made was appropriate or not.

Keep it up Snow....


Ciao Ugo,

My portal will list a few related records from related databases but it depends on the popup menu of the field process type, too. I attach my files now so that you can understand what I need to do. I made 3 fields with popup menu in the layout Process type of the main file and one portal to show the related records. I attach that file now and hope you can solve and understand my problem. I don't know how to explain it exactly at all smile.gif

Buona notte





There is no Unique keys in the related file. You need to have one, because your 2 records in the Process Outlines can't be identified by another mean.

They surely are both related by the Process Type, but you cannot identify one from another without a key....

Makes it a serial number field if you like.

The place this number field in the portal.

This number could be your temporary key afterwards.

I can't say enything else....


Ciao Ugo,

I will do it again with a key then let you see if it works. So we have to put the field in the portal. I thought I only use the relationship in portalformat and it will show records from this relationship, no need to put field in the portal??

Thanks again and I will do it now


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