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Missing the boat on odbc and PDM Plugin

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I have setup ODBC and have connected to the MS SQL database. The importing of the records went fine... manually. I am still very confused on how FM7 imports data automatically from the SQL server. I assumed this plugin would help... maybe it does and I am just sorely confused. I have created an entire FM frontend that has been in use for two years unfortunately a new system is in place for part of the company. Now users enter data into a SQL database. I need my FM7 database to automatically "get" the data into a new record everytime a new SQL entry is made.

i.e. users create new job tickets with SQL fields such as job number, due date, company, etc. they hit save within their application. Will a plugin autmatically call the FM7 database and enter the new record?... and, if the SQL fields have been modified, will a plugin autmatically update the corresponding FM7 field?

Once these fileds are into FM7, I will use the calc fields and scripts that I currently have.. I assume that you can have calc fields that combine the imported SQL data and native FM7 data...

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