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FieldSubstitute() Custom Function

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Here is an updated version of a custom function that replaces <<merge fields>> in a text field with the field data.

Example, if the user entered text field has this (Note the mispelling of the company field):


Dear <<Name>>,

As a result of recent discussions with our team, we have decided to terminate our contract with <<companie>>.

Thank you for your business.

The result text will be this:


Dear Greg Anderson,

As a result of recent discussions with our team, we have decided to terminate our contract with <Field Missing: "companie">.

Thank you for your business.

Here is the custom function code:


//By Mike Hackett


//This takes a text field with user entered merge fields in the form <<Field Name>> 

//and replaces the merge fields with the field values.



   l = Length(text);

   p1 = Position(text;"<<";1;1);

   p2 = Position(text;">>";p1;1);

   fieldText = Middle(text;p1+2;p2-(p1+2))


If(p1 * p2; //If both sets of brackets exist

   Left(text;p1-1) & 


      GetField(fieldText); //field exists, get it's value

      "<Field Missing: "" & fieldText & "">") & FieldSubstitute(Right(text;l-(p2+1))); //field does not exist

   text//no matching brackets



This could be used where you want users to make letters using fields without having to come to you to modify the layouts.

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Woh. What a great idea.

Here is the revised function that can evaluate inline functions too.


//By Mike Hackett


//This takes a text field with user entered merge fields in the form <<Field Name>> 

//and replaces the merge field names with the field values.  It also evaluates inline functions



   l = Length(text);

   p1 = Position(text;"<<";1;1);

   p2 = Position(text;">>";p1;1);

   fieldText = Middle(text;p1+2;p2-(p1+2))


If(p1 * p2; //If both sets of brackets exist

   Left(text;p1-1) & 


          Evaluate(fieldText);//Evaluate inline function

          "<Field Missing: "" & fieldText & "">") & //field does not exist


   text//no matching brackets



Though I'm not sure how comfortable users would be writing functions, it's pretty neat that this can be done. Thanks Shaun!

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