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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Auto Export Script

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Is there a way to get a script to run automatically every 10 minutes or so without user intervention?

What I would like to do is have a script export a certain set of fields from all records in a particular database to a tab delineated text file every 10 minutes or so. I will then use windows scripting to import the data to a spreadsheet that is viewable and searchable on our web site.

I suppose I could make my life easy and pubish the database to my web site, but my ISP does not support FileMaker DataBases and I don't want to buy FileMaker Unlimited so I can get more than 25 people accesing the data at any given time.

I suppose I could also self-host....Hmmm....Anyway, anyone have any suggestions or workarounds?

Thanks for your help.


PS Is tehre a setting on this forum whereby I can be notified if any postings I make get responded to?

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One way to do it (w/o plugins) is to have a looping script that pauses for 10 minutes on each iteration and then does the export. The drawback to this is that you can't make use of the machine while this perpetual script is running.

If you use a plugin, you can set a script (or several) up to run on a schedule.... ScriptIt by CNS plugins comes to mind. Or Troi Activator. Or Waves in Motion Events.

If the data you want to make accessible is to be read only. (Users don't need to dynamically update the database) Then you could export the desired data as HTML and upload it directly to your ISP web server. Assuming your ISP supports ftp upload, you could either use windows scripting to move the exported data or you could use a plugin like FTPit to upload the data directly from filemaker.

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This topic is 7332 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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