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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Trying to Dedupe in FM7


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Relate the two files by the appropriate fields. Add a calculated field to the first which does a lookup to the second. Set it so that the field results in zero if there is no match, 1 otherwise. Delete all records with the value of 1 in that field.

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Thanks for the reply journeyman I have implimented it in my files just one question in the calculation I'm useing the exact function and in the smaller database that I want deduped from the larger one it shows results great.. but when I implement it in the larger database it shows no results ?? how do I get it to show the results in the larger database ?? wich is the important one to see it in!

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Already Tried That..!

this is what the calculation Looks like could you please let me know if it looks right

Exact ( Telephone; MYOB US::Telephone) & Exact ( Telephone; USA east 3::Telephone)

Telephone = Large Database

MYOB US::Telephone = Small Database to be deduped from large database

Thanks alot

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This topic is 7289 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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