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Does separation work on the Web?

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I just spent a whole day developing an app with data tables in one file

(database name <appname>d.fp7) and the layouts, scripts and relations in another (database name <appname>i.fp7)

I got it working great, until I tried to use web sharing -

no data showed up at all and I had conniptions. I think I have <appname>d.fp7

web sharing on, as well as web sharing for <appname>1.fp7, but data doesn't show on web browser. Bad news. Large widely used apps are exactly the ones you need to do separation on AND get on the web.

Someone tell me I'm stupid please, and that there is a way to do it!!

By the way, while I'm waiting to see if this is another crippling filemaker design blunder, I'm learning the open source php mysql developer too php genie.

mySQl is free, PHP is free, and php genie is too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am very curoius about this as well, as I have the same issue.

I don't remember reading anything about this. Can someone give us some input please?

I have a data file and an interface file. I have web sharing on both files. The IWP publishes the UI files fine but with zero records. It doesnt get my data.

Is this jsut the way it is? or am I missing something?

Thanks alot

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