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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Any way to use mouse click to mark a record?

Herb Isaacs

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I am trying to design a sophisticated find process for any table such as vendors, customers, etc. When the find returns more than one record, I want the user to see the list and click on a box to select the particular record in the found set that best matches the user's find criteria. As I read the Get(ActiveModifierKeys) function description in Help, only control-type keys are assigned numbers, not the mouse click. Any way to accomplish this?

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You are way over thinking this. You can use a clear button over the record in list view to run a script to mark the record in any number of ways, or switch to a form view with that recordd. (in a multiuser environment, set the record number into a global field to mark it).


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