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complex reporting using FM7 new features

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This is for a db that is used to record individual daily receipts, called receiptsdb.

I have a detail/sub-summary report created in FM5-6 which required the following:

1. A Find of all receiptsdb records in a selected fiscal year (prior to) the currently-selected month;

2. A Sort of this found set, then an Export (FM) of the receiptsdb amount data summarized in 3 ways-to a file called priormonthtemp1;

3. Then an Import of this exported/summarized data into another existing (temporary use) FM file-called priormonthtemp2.

3. Then a new Find in receiptsdb for only the records in the currently-selected month and fiscal year;

4. A Sort of this new found set, then a display of the detailed records for the currently-selected month, along with a sub-summary display of the summarized amounts from priormonthtemp2.

So...for each category of receipts in receiptsdb, the report displays the sorted detail records for the currently-selected month, then a total of that same category for all months in the fiscal year prior to this month, then a grand total of receipts year to date.

I am testing whether the new features in FM7 (multiple found sets, table occurences, etc.) would allow me to produce this same report WITHOUT going through this complicated Export/Import/display scenario, with no luck so far.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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